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Big Things From Australia – The Large Tennis Racquet

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One thing that you might notice when travelling around Australia is the variety of ‘big things’ that have been constructed as a tourist attraction.

They’re a bit of a cult icon in Australia as these pieces of novelty architecture and structures are both a bit kitsch but cool at the same time. They’re also a good excuse to go on a big road trip to see them for no apparent justifiable reason except to just go and check it out!

For example, here is a short list of some of the ‘big things in Australia’ that have been constructed over the years. Some of these are still standing strong, while others have been pulled down.

Things like the the Big Banana in Coffs Harbour, the Big Pineapple on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. There’s even the Big Beer Can in Cobar, or the Big Rubik’s Cube in Maroubra. The list is endless, and probably ever growing!

I lot of these have probably been inspired by a tonne of Australian expressions!

I’ve personally seen the big crocodile in Normanton and the Big Acoustic Guitar in Narradera.

Well, there’s also the big tennis racquet!

Here it is!

More Big Things From Australia – A very, very big tennis racquet!

You’d need a massive hand to grip this beast! It’s a huge replica of one of those old wooden Dunlop tennis racquets that are probably museum pieces these days!

Big Things - Tennis Racquet

You can find the big tennis racquet in the small country New South Wales town of Barellan.

It’s a tribute to its most famous former resident – Evonne Goolagong, who won a truckload of major tennis titles throughout her career in the 1970s and early 1980s.

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It was built in 2009 and it’s pretty obvious when you drive into town.

But if you’re a tennis buff, you should venture into town a bit more and check out ‘Evonne’s Wall’.

This is where she use to practice hitting a tennis ball against the wall so she could hone her skills.

Evonne Goolagong

But these structures, while seemingly insignificant, are a big part of sporting cultural heritage and you can tell this simple wall means a lot to the people of Barellan.

It’s proof that you can come from anywhere in the world to become a world beater!

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1 thought on “Big Things From Australia – The Large Tennis Racquet”

  1. Avatar Of Leo

    I like the idea of the Evonne’s Wall for tennis practice. Great idea. Exactly how big is that tennis racquet?

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