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Kangaroo Funny – The ‘Dead’ or Drunk Skippy

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Kangaroo Funny Time!

Today’s Funny Travel Photo is a Kangaroo Funny – and was taken by Farnoosh from @ProlificLiving. Check out the Prolific Living Website and Facebook Page and say hello.

Anyway, this Kangaroo looks either drunk or possibly even dead! Farnoosh photographed this Funny Kangaroo at Taronga Zoo, in Sydney, Australia when she was there on holidays.

Holy moly, this looks like a dead zoo animal that shouldn’t be there! He looks like he should be in the morgue!

Kangaroo Funny Photo - The Drunk Or Dead Kangaroo

The Kangaroo Funny Story

Well Farnoosh says ‘Worry not, the kangaroo is alive and well. This kangaroo had me in stiches for minutes, and even my nonstop laughter did not stir him a bit.I found it hilarious – and had titled it “Resting after a hard days’ work”.

Being Australian, maybe the Kangaroo is drunk after all… Looks like he has been out on the booze all night trying to pick up chicks to take home to his enclosure and he is feeling a bit hungover. Maybe he needs a big shot of Vitamin D to feel a bit more human. Sorry, a bit more like a normal kangaroo..

From what I can see in this picture, this kangaroo has a pretty good life. Just chilling around in the zoo and munching on a few leaves and taking it easy all day. And maybe taking the odd nap here and there to rest up a bit after working his bum off all day and posing for tourists with happy snappy cameras! Some animals have it all! I think he’s figured out the meaning of life!

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More Kangaroo Funny Stuff

I don’t think the ‘Resting Kangaroo’ appeared in Welcome to the World of Kangaroos. Maybe it should appear in the more aptly titled Crazy Kangaroo. Looks like this one lives a pretty fast paced lifestyle and he’s paying the price for it!

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7 thoughts on “Kangaroo Funny – The ‘Dead’ or Drunk Skippy”

  1. Avatar Of Red Nomad Oz

    Just as well it didn’t have a joey!! I favour the drunk/passed out theory – after all, what other reason could a roo have for being flat on its back?!?!

  2. Avatar Of Taxi Sales

    Kangaroo just looking uncoucious. In Australia everywhere they are in bulk.
    All the streets are looking empty in their absence. This is a really excellent read for me. Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw. Thanks for posting this useful article.

  3. Avatar Of Lincoln Dentist
    Lincoln Dentist

    I admit I haven’t seen too many kangaroos, but I’ve definitely seen one in that position. Must have been close to the zoo’s closing time.

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