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How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To TripAdvisor Attractions!

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Yay, it’s time to wear the ‘brown underpants’ as I try to tick off the thrill seeking part of my bucket list! Sorry, if you don’t understand that Australian slang, that means I’m doing something adventurous…

This time, it’s thanks to TripAdvisor again. They kindly asked me if I was interested in their TripAdvisor Attractions campaign to once again show off the ‘Things To Do’ part of their enormous website.

This time, I decided to have a go at two thrill seeking sports I’d never tried before – piloting a water powered jet pack, and attempting to steer a flyboard around without crashing too much into the water like a lead balloon! I did this at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Previously, TripAdvisor were silly enough to send me to have a go at some Indoor Skydiving, also at the Gold Coast. And they were even more silly to let me have another crack!

Water Jetpack E1520767077203 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Astro Boy… NOT!

Like the Indoor Skydiving, the Jetpack and Flyboard experiences are just one of the gazillion things you can book directly at the TripAdvisor website – which includes trips, accommodation and experiences.


The aim of doing this directly on the TripAdvisor website is to stop mucking around on tonnes of websites to save you time. Plus you can read reviews of other experience goers that give you an idea of what the experience might be like!
As we all know, TripAdvisor is an extremely well known travel reviews website were people can leave reviews for all sorts of travel related things. What traveller hasn’t used it at some point during their travels?

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I’ve used it loads of times to have a look at what people think of a place to get an idea of what it’s like before booking accommodation. As well as checking and booking your accommodation from over 200 websites, now you can also book experiences directly from the ‘Things To Do’ tab  and these experiences are available all around the world. See below!

And this is where I booked the Jetpack and Flyboard!

I saw that there were quite a few people who rated it highly, so I decided to give it a go myself!

Tripadvisor Home Page Things To Do | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The booking process was pretty easy, and I received an email soon afterwards confirming the date and time, and with contact details if I needed them to make changes if needed.

Anyway, here is the fun stuff!

My Jet Pack Photos – Jetpacking Over Water

Have a look at some of the pics captured of me trying to become airborne on something that’s not a plane, helicopter, or bungee rope – which are other forms of air travel I have attempted in the past!

I’m sending these pics into Hollywood as my ShowReel just in case there are auditions for any potential Top Gun movie sequel!

You know where to go Hollywood producers! You’ve got your next… Goose… not Maverick!

Check these pics out. Note, most of these look like I was actually in control before I crashed into the water!

Water Jets E1520767374846 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
I feel the need, the need for speed!
Jetpacks In Australia E1520767460392 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It’s SUPER TRAVEL TART!
Jetpack Over Water E1520767507392 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
This looks like a tricky move. Actually, it’s just a great action shot before crashing!
Jetpack And Jetskis E1520767536135 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
When it’s look like you’re in control.. but you’re not..
Gold Coast Jetpack E1520767568307 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Yes, I’m about to crash again!

Actually, I did manage to get some decent air time on the Jet Pack. It just took me ages to get there.

If you do decide to do it, it weights around 25 kilograms and you’ll be exhausted at the end of it! But if you’re a little crazy like me, you’ll love it!

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And next, there’s…

Flyboarding Photos!

I think I was marginally better at the Flyboard.

Flyboards Over Water | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
I ain’t no Michael J Fox

Meaning I managed to stand up for a little while, which is a lot more I can say than my previous surfing lessons, which was like trying to train a sack of potatoes how to surf!

I remember seeing the Back To The Future movies as a kid. And I looked nothing like someone who was in control of a hoverboard at all!

Flyboard Gold Coast | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Looking as steady as a mountain goat!

Some people might argue that I may not need jets of water to thrust myself up into the air (boom boom), but if you’re thinking of your own walking on water experience, give Flyboarding a go.

Walking On Water E1520767424924 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
I can actually walk on water!

See where else you can go Flyboarding around the world via TripAdvisor.

Crashing The Jet Pack E1520767616272 | Australia Travel Blog | How To Ride A Jet Pack And Flyboard On Water. Looking Like A Complete Goose, Thanks To Tripadvisor Attractions! | Australia, Flyboarding, Gold Coast, Jet Pack Water, Things To Do, Tripadvisor | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

But anyway, if you’re really wondering what the end result of my Jetpack and Flyboard experience was? Well, it almost always ended up like this… 🙂    

Actually, this was loads of fun – I’d do it all again!

Thanks once again to TripAdvisor and the TripAdvisor Attractions Campaign for this experience!

More about TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor is the world’s largest provider of tours, activities and
attractions, with more than 56,000 bookable experiences in 2,500 destinations worldwide.
TripAdvisor Attractions offers something for every kind of traveller. You can book everything from walking tours, skip-the-line access and theatre tickets to hot air balloon safaris and Everest base camp treks.

Disclaimer: TripAdvisor provided me with this experience, but all opinions are my own.

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