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Ramazan’s ‘Romantic’ Jeep Safaris and Tours. The most bizarre (and fun) trip I’ve been on.

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Previously, I wrote about Kadir’s Tree Houses in Olympos, Turkey which is a favourite among many backpackers on the Turkish trail because it’s a great place to chill out and do sod all. I was there quite a while ago, but at the time, I went on some Jeep Safaris and Tours that were associated with their operation.

But this wasn’t any old sort of jeep safari. If you’re really game, you can go on one of ‘Ramazan’s Romantic Jeep Safari’s’.  Sounds too good to be true, but here is some evidence below.

Ramazan’s Jeep Safari’s – The Red Beast Landrover!

Jeep Safaris And Tours In Turkey

Ramazan worked at Kadir’s Backpackers, which is basically a collection of tree houses that creates a unique form of backpackers accommodation. I don’t know if he works there anymore, but he was one of the funniest tour guides I’ve ever come across in my life.

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Ramazan virtually spoke no English, except for the ubiquitous ‘YABBA DABBA DUUUU!’ whenever he launched his barely-roadworthy red Land Rover station wagon into lift-off.  I was certain this red potential death trap was reborn in Olympos after reaching heaven in the United Kingdom.   The Land Rover was emblazoned with the words Ramazans ‘Romantic Tours’ – well, as romantic as you could be, when trapped inside a clapped-out rust-bucket with balding tyres!

Ramazan however, employed a simple but obviously effective tactic of duping his passengers into a false sense of security about his crazy driving.  Within the first half hour of the trip, Ramazan stopped at a nearby dam, pouring everyone his lethal mix of half vodka and half cola drinks as the first source of nourishment of the day – most likely sedating any potential bush-bashing opposition by the victims trapped in the back.  He insisted the six of us sit on the bonnet for a more scenic look at the glacier-stripped mountains whilst he drove at a more sedate pace for the next five kilometres, before the vodka had finally worn off and our senses were once again relatively unclouded.

I later laughed at the Kadir Tree Houses website at the time stating ‘Our jeep safari takes you into the mountains and valleys surrounding Olympos, driving along roads clinging precariously to the hillsides.’ They forgot to mention Ramazan’s Land Rover would also be clinging precariously to the hillside, with its occupants clinging precariously to the Land Rover.

However, I enjoyed this sort of un-roadworthy jeep safari and visited the local ancient Roman ruins of Lymra and Arykanda, including a swimming break amongst the cool springs swirling around the broken columns.  Other sights included secluded beaches, more Lycian graves etched into the side of mountains and sparkling waterfalls.  Old veiled Turkish women also supervised their sheep grazing amongst Roman ruins.

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The day was complete with a serving of freshly-picked oranges and pomegranates at a local orchard, just before the left rear tyre of the Land Rover crapped itself.  The fruit was outstanding, most likely because most Turks cannot afford commercial fertiliser – meaning the most affordable form is sourced from local farm animals.  Hence, the majority of fruit and vegetables are organic and the difference in quality was definitely noticeable when compared to ‘battery orchards’ of the western world.

I thought the whole experience of starting off with hard spirits in the morning and then flogging a vehicle around the country side by a guide that didn’t speak your language probably didn’t sound like the most appealing thing to do, but I love every second of it because it was what it was – totally unpretentious and genuine!

Sometimes, it’s hard to find that kind of travel experience these days!

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