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121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms and Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian!

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Here’s one that’s close to my heart – a list of Italian Swear Words, Slang, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives. A lesson in Italian Culture, and sometimes, Italian Stereotypes!

These Italian profanities expand on the ever increasing resources of colloquial language found on this silly website, which includes British Slang,Australian Slang, Irish Slang, Russian, French, Spanish and German.

Check out the below publications!

Learn Italian Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=0452270391&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=0452270391 | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=B074Fs1Dps&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B074Fs1Dps | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=B07D7J81Cs&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B07D7J81Cs | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

What are some top Italian Swear Words?

Italian Swear Words Slang And Expletives | Italy Travel Blog | 121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian! | Calabrese Swear Words, Cavolo, Dio Cane Meaning, Funny Language, Italian Curse Words, Italian Expletives, Italian Insults, Italian Language, Italian Profanities, Italian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Mingia, Neapolitan Swear Words, Porco Dio, Sicilian Swear Words, Urban Dictionary, Va Fangool | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Alla pecorina – Literally translates as “sheep style”, but refers to “doggy-style”
Bafangu chooch – F*$% your self jackass
Brutto figlio di puttana bastardo – Ugly son of a bitch bastard
Cagacazzo – Lame ass dumb
Che due palle! – Literally means “what two balls” but actually means “What the heck!”

I used to laugh when my grandparents used to have an argument in Italian and they’d slip in a swear word that I understood. Needless to stay, they turned red with embarrassment and stopped arguing when they saw me laughing!

Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms And Expletives!

By the way, here is my favourite Italian joke:

Q: What does an Italian have if he has one arm shorter than the other?

A: A speech impediment! (boom boom – think about it – talking with your hands!).

Yes, sometimes the stereotypes are funny because there is at least an element of truth to it! Like eating lots of pasta!

So to share that joy with the world, and if you’re planning a trip to Italy sometime soon, store these words up your sleeve – you never know when you’re going to use them!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish!

Here we go!

A Comprehensive list of Italian Swear Words, Slang and Expletives!

Italian Swear WordRough English Translation
A fanabla!Go to hell!
Alla pecorinaLiterally means “sheep style”, but refers to “doggy-style”
Andare a puttane:Go to whores and be f*$%ed
Avere la faccia come il culoLiterally means “to have one’s face like an arse”, but means “to be an assface”
Avere un culo così grandeLiterally means “to have such a big arse”, but colloquially means “to be very lucky”
Bacha ma culoKiss my ass
Bafangu choochF*$% your self jackass
Brutto figlio di puttana bastardoUgly son of a bitch bastard
CagacazzoLame ass dumb
Cavolo!Literally means “cabbage”, but really means “Holy smoke!”
CazzoD#$k. Used to express anger, frustration or surprise. Like how “f#$%” and “f#$%ing” are used in English.
Cazzo di merdaD#$kfaced piece of s#$t
Cazzo Madre di DioF#$%ing mother of god
Cazzo sif#$% you
Ce l’hai piccoloYou got a small d#$k
Ce un cibirutYou have a small d#$k
Che cazzoWhat the f#$%
Che culo!Literally means “what a butt!” bu literally means “to be extremely lucky”
Che due palle!Literally means “what two balls” but actually means “What the heck!”
Che palle!What balls!
Che te pozzino ammazza!You shall be butchered!
Che ti morisse la madre / la mammaYou mother / mom should be dead.
CoglioneLiterally an offensive version of testicle. If you call someone this, you’re saying they’re an idiot or fool.
CornutoCuckold, and literally means “horned”. Refers to a man whose wife is cheating on him. Very offensive in southern Italy
Curnut!Your husband/wife is cheating on you
Dare un calcio nel culo a qualcunoLiterally means “to kick someone’s ass” but literally means “to help someone secretly”
Dio cane!F#$%in’ god!
Dio cangurelloGod little kangaroo
Dio santo!Oh my God!
DitalinoLiterally means “small thimble” but refers to female masturbation
Essere un culoTo be an ass
Faccia a culoAssface
Fare una segaTo masturbate
Fatti una pugnettaHave A Wank
Figlio di puttanaSon of a whore
Figlio di TroiaSon of a bitch
Figlio un caneSon of a bitch
FongoulF#$% you
Gran’ disgraziatoBig disgrace
I coglioniThe balls
IncazzarsiTo get pissed off.
InculareLiterally means to to sodomize but figuratively means to cheat
Intro culo di mammataUp your mother’s ass
Ir budello di tu ma’Your mother’s a whore
Latrin!Dirty sewer
LeccaculoKiss ass
Leccami il culoLick my ass
Leccami la figaLick my p#@$y
Ma’ va te ne a fanculoGo f#$% yourself
Madonna santa!Good God! But literally means Saint Madonna
MafankuloMother f#$%er
Manache!Oh Hell!
Mangia merdaEat s#$t
Mangia merde e morteEat s#$t and die
Mannaggia tuaDamn, Hell
Mezza segaLiterally means half a saw but actually means lightweight or pipsqueak
MignottaYour mother is unkown
Mortacci tuaYour feeble ancestors
Nessuno mi unfungulonobody f#$%s me in the ass
Pezzo di merdaPiece of s#$t
PompinaraC#$% sucker
PompinoLiterally means “small pump” but means blowjob.
Porca MadonnaPig Madonna
Porca MiseriaLiterally means “Miserable pig” by means dammit!
Porca troiaF#$%ing hell
Porca vacca!Holy cow! Literally means pig cow
Porco cane!For God’s sake! Literal translation is “pig dog”
Porco Dio / Porco IddioLiterally means “Pig God” – this one is blasphemy!
Porco dio!F#$%in’ god!
Posso leccare il tua figa?Can I lick your….
Prendere per il culoColloquially means “to pull someone’s leg” and literally means “to catch by the arse”
Puttanata:Crap, bulls#$t, rubbish
Rompere il culo a qualcunoSlang meaning is “to cause serious damage” and literally means “to break someone’s ass”
Rotto nel culoMeans “bastard”, but literally means “broken arse”
Santo cazzo Madre di CristoHoly f#$%ing mother of Christ
Sborra, sburroEjaculate
ScopareTo f#$%
SegaTo jerk off
SegarsiJerk off
Sembri un peniYou look like a penis
Sfacim e merdeF#$%ing s#$t
SfigaLiterally means “without p#$%y” but means “bad luck”
SmerdareTo shame someone
SpagnolaLiterally means “Spanish Girl” but means “titty-f#$%”
SputtanareTo discredit something
Sti cazzaF#$% that
Testa di cazzoD#$khead
Testa di minchiad#$khead
Ti ammazzoI’ll kill you
Ti corro in culoMeans “forget it” but literally means “I run into your ass”
Tu ma’ piscia in piediYour mother urinates while standing
Tu piezza di merda!You piece if s#$t!
Tua mamma bocchinaraYour mum’s a fluffer
Un pompinoBlowjob
VaffanculoF#$% off
Vai a farti fottereGo f#$% yourself
Vai a farti fottere, puttana!Go f#$% yourself, whore!
Vai a vendere il culo“F#$% off” and literally means “Go and sell your arse”
Vai all’infernoGo to hell
ZoccolaWhore, literally means ‘sewer rat’

There you go! Now you know more profanities in another language!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions & Expletives!

Now don’t blame me if someone punches your lights out because you offended them with these silly Italian Swear Words!

For something a bit different, check out Leaning Tower of Pisa Tacky Tourist Photos, the Taxi Fare Calculator, You Know You’ve Been in Italy Too Long WhenYou Know You’ve Grown Up In Italian Culture When…, the House of Cheese, Italian Television Explained and some Italian Immigration Stories.

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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14 thoughts on “121 Italian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Slang, Colloquialisms and Expletives! Learn How To Speak Italian!”

  1. Avatar Of Ryan Biddulph

    LOL hahaha…..I am literally laughing out loud here Anthony. Funny thing is I know more of these than I’d ever believe; growing up with many Italian Americans in New Jersey and spending many months with a whole crew of my Italian expat buddies in Chiang Mai, Thailand, these are popping up in conversations again and again.

  2. Avatar Of Samanta Aldorasi
    Samanta Aldorasi

    I’m italian living in Italy and some of this are either written wrong or translated wrongly.

  3. Avatar Of Debbe

    I’ve been binge-watching the FABULOUS show ‘Gomorra’ and have been introduced to a plethora of fantastic new swearing options (ones which won’t offend my ‘sposo’ too much). This is a great resource for Italian cuss words but I have a correction that I need to make.
    ZUIA translates to ‘aunt’ in Italiano. The word for ‘bitch’ (verified by ‘Gomorrah’ cast members) is ‘PUTTANA’.
    Just wanted to make that clarification (double-checked by English-Italian Dictionary online).

  4. Avatar Of Theresa

    I often heard my grandmother say “boar-coo”. Phonetically written, of course. Any ideas on what it means?

  5. Avatar Of Dave

    What an entertaining article! I had a special feeling as I read it because my mother was full blooded Italian and her mother (my grandmother – Nana) was quite the character. As kids, we would ask her to teach us how to swear in Italian and she begrudgingly obliged for some of the words. We had a lot of fun with it and this article brought back so many fun memories with her.

  6. Avatar Of Bill

    I have heard “botta la bolt’ and/or “Votta la volt” when I was a kid. Many don’t know what it is when I ask,…..but my Grandpa was very upset when I said it once. He was from somewhere around Naples. Anybody here able to help me?

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