Anyway, looks like Google is having fun at all of the people in the world that run a website! They decided to take the piss out of themselves and the International Space Station Control Room! I logged on this morning to check the real time analytics of my website and came across the following bizarre display I had never seen before:
Ha ha Google.. the International Space Station Control Room Loves my Stuff – NOT!

What this is showing that there were ’41’ real time visits from the “International Space Station Control Room” who were looking at the page called “April Fools“. Wow, I’d never had a single visit from this place in my entire life! For some reason, my website is popular with space geeks who are bored at work!
But there was a dead giveaway – the number 41. Meaning in American speak, 4/1, or the first of April. Google Analytics decided to find a sense of humour for the day and play a few unsuspecting tricks on those of us who are masochistic enough to try and run a website!
Ironically, the location of the International Space Station Control Room changed every few minutes to some random part of the world. For example, this screen dump shows it’s location in Saudi Arabia!

But this is where I saw an opportunity!
Why not write a post about this silly joke immediately to see if there are lots of people Googling this April Fool’s joke to see if I could score some free traffic from Google in the meantime. Now how awesome would that be!
So if you are reading this silly post because of this reason, leave a comment below.
You know, I wouldn’t have been fooled if Google had emailed me to tell me that they were going to pay for a trip for me to have a beer with Richard Branson on Virgin Galactic…
Now that would be ironic. The might of Google leading to the ultimate junket of all time – a free trip to space! ;P
How about other webmasters out there? What did you think if you saw this first thing in the morning after a big night out?
I came across this page via Google searching for exactly this. Can’t say it fooled me though, as soon as I saw it, it was quite obvious 😛
Oh, today I also saw on my website online store shoes in the same analytics
)) looks cool)))
Tres surprise j’ai eu la meme chose, je me suis bien douter qu’il y avait quelque chose de bizzard, a moins qu’on me recherche 🙂
Oh, today I also look it
mosquito nets in space. jeje
Claro, si esto fue una broma… hasta que punto entonces debemos creer a Google? si son capaces de hacer esto puede que hagan otras cosas, ya no es muy confiable, tienen toda tu info al maximo… que broma ni broma, hay que denunciar por manipular datos y hasta ahi nomas la JOKE.
comigo ta acontecendo agora, isso é só uma pidada 1 abril?
I have the same Analitics
Yep ! The floating International Space Station – control room over Europe looked good for a moment while #41 kept popping on the screen. LOL @Goolge …
Was surprised too! Add to that I actually believed that Google Nose joke! (hides face in shame)
Good to see Google has some sort of sense of humour. I wonder how much time/money they put into that…