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Iceberg for Sale from Antarctica! Get It Now Before It Melts!

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Here is another funny classified from the Kiwis, who brought us the dodgey Time Machine that was for sale!

This one was a little while back, but is still funny.

I’ve always wanted to go to Antarctica. Once I get there, I will have reached all seven continents.

But darn that, why not buy your own Iceberg that has just splintered off it?

Your Own Iceberg for Sale!

Iceberg Antarctica

That’s right, some enterprising individual put up this silly Trade Me ad as a bit of a joke.

And with icebergs splintering off ice shelves all over the place, why not take advantage of it?

I mean, this screenshot showed the bid at over $99 million New Zealand dollars! That’s still a lot! Way more than 100 trillion Zim dollars!

The bid history is almost as funny as the advertisement itself!

Look how fast it reached the $99 million dollar mark – only 22 minutes!

Trademe Bid History

Once again, just like the time machine ad, the comments are hilarious and are just as funny as the ad itself!

Check them out!

Q. How much does it weigh? I may need to rent a trailer…

A. I dont want timewasters here mate. You dont use a trailer to remove an iceberg. Come on, you are being silly.

Q. If I purchased now, would you be able to hold it til next weekend? I have to borrow my brother in law’s ute.

A. Thats fine mate. I may not be home but I will leave it out for you.

Q. Hi. Nice looking ‘berg. What would you estimate the temperature to be? I’m
after one that’s quite cold.

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A. I checked and can confirm ‘Quite cold’. I don’t know much about these technical things – but my mate reckons ‘Freezing’ if that means anything to you. He has had these before and knows his stuff.

Q. Would it be suitable for an Auckland Stadium ?
A. Thanks for your interest Helen. If it winds up being by the water then yes.

Q. Is it still under warranty ?
A. Sorry no. This was only for the original owner. I got it from him.

Q. Should this be a Dutch Auction, as the item is getting smaller? Or are you working on the bikini theory, the smaller they are the more valuable they become.

A. Bit like my girlfriend. She says reduction is happening but I dont see it.

Q. Does this Iceberg have any extra features? Frozen creatures… reporters & helicopters….. Hitler’s Remains?

A. These often have a dinosaur in them that can be re animated and used to
begin a theme park. But no promises.

Q. I am currently looking at one other ‘berg’of similar dimensions so do you have a buy now price?

A. Sorry. Not after the auction has started.

Q. Once it thaws is there a treat inside?

A. Yup. Water.

Q. Hi. I’m looking for something along these lines for a Christmas decoration. Do you have any in the shape of a reindeer?

A. By the end of the auction it may look like that. Get real drunk and check back

Q. I don’t wish to pour cold water on this, but I must point out that MAF regulations require that this ‘berg will need to be held in quarantine for 8 weeks. This may impact on delivery.

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A. That’s only if it has a bird in it. But thanks for checking.

Q. Is this suitable for me to make a sculpture. I’m thinking of sculptering a new mother in law, as the old one is exceptionally cold, and the new one would have to be a appreciably warmer to have in the house.

A. I’m thinking you would get at least one large mother in law and a friend from

Q. You said there may be more of it underneath. If it comes closer to shore and touches the sea bed will I still own it, or will the maori own it?

A. Any shellfish on it are theirs, berg yours.

Q. Hi. do you have these in any other colours?

A. No sorry. Besides, you don’t want the yellow icebergs

Ha ha, brilliant! You just don’t know what’s up for sale on these trading websites!

I would have technically reached all seven continents if I had bought this large chunk of ice! 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Iceberg for Sale from Antarctica! Get It Now Before It Melts!”

  1. Avatar Of Ian

    Imagine if these sites forced the buyers to pay what they bid … having that bailiff show up on their doorstep to take all their money and possessions would be even funnier (or not)

  2. Avatar Of Todd @ Visit50

    Hahaha awesome!

    I liked this answer most –
    A. I checked and can confirm ‘Quite cold’. I dont know much about these technical things – but my mate reckons ‘Freezing’ if that means anything to you. He has had these before and knows his stuff.

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