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How To Photo Bomb With Screaming Guys and WIN Your Own!

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How To Photo Bomb Other People’s Photos – With These Silly Hard Ceramic Things called Screaming Guys.

Ok, it’s giveaway time on The Travel Tart. And just for a change, it’s something silly to help you work out How To Photo Bomb other people’s travel photos around the world! You will see exactly what I mean in a minute!

Screaming Guys is a very simple concept and is a little bit of fun. A Screaming Guy is a hard ceramic rubber thing with a screaming expression that you can take with your travels around the world, and photograph at famous landmarks, or even better, place them in other people’s photos when they are not looking!

Now if you are thinking, “What does a Screaming Guy do?” which is probably the first question, every time. Seriously. The answer is… Nothing! These are just fun little figures, handmade with love, that exist to travel the world with you and photo bomb as many pictures as possible.

And you can have your own by not doing very much!

How To Photo Bomb With Screaming Guys Funny Travel

Anyway, Jess from Screaming Guys contacted me about giving away two Screaming Guys to a couple of readers. Read through this and check out how to win your own Screaming Guy at the end of this post.

Anyway, have a look at where some of the Screaming Guys have been!

Firstly, the Screaming Guys have been to hell and back!

How To Boil An Egg With Screaming Guys

One has even made it’s way to Stonehenge!

Stonehenge Photos And Pictures United Kingdom

Even an equator crossing

Equator Crossing

You Get the Idea!

Anyway, How Do I Get My Own Screaming Guy so I know How To Photo Bomb!

Well, I’m going to make this really simple for you so this requires very little effort on your behalf. All you need to do is leave a comment below on where you would like to take your own Screaming Guy in the world. The two most original and funny responses will win their own Screaming Guy from me!

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Entries close Tuesday 31 July 2012 at 12 noon Australian Eastern Standard Time (which is GMT + 10 hours).

I’m looking forward to checking out some of the entries!

More Screaming Guy Stuff

Also, if you already have your own Screaming Guy, in the spirit of of a Northern Hemisphere summer, the Screaming Guys website is holding a contest from July 1st to August 15th. People will need to take pictures of their Screaming Guys on vacation, upload them to the Screaming Guys Facebook page and users will vote on their favorites. The winner will receive a Screaming Guy Travel Package which includes a $100 airline voucher (among other cool vacation stuff)!

So get commenting! Maybe if you win one of these Screaming Guys, it might make Lonely Planet Signspotting: Absurd & Amusing Signs from Around the World.

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

8 thoughts on “How To Photo Bomb With Screaming Guys and WIN Your Own!”

  1. Avatar Of Screamer

    I’d like to take my Screaming Guy to view ‘The Scream’ painting by Edvard Munch

  2. Avatar Of Yellman

    I’d like to take my screaming guy to the olympics and photo bomb the opening ceremony…

  3. Avatar Of The Photo Man
    The Photo Man

    I’d like to place my Sreaming Guy in the Hoff’s Chest hair, but I would probably lose him forever…

  4. Avatar Of Avid Traveller
    Avid Traveller

    I’d put my screaming guy on someone’s head when they were really drunk!

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