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Heart Attack Grill, Arizona. The Biggest Loser’s Biggest Enemy, with Burgers To Die For..

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Heart Attack Grill – I’m Having a Palpitation Watching This!

The Heart Attack Grill is located in Chandler, Arizona. It’s not on my 52 Travel Tips for Weird Food and Drinks.  That’s because it would have made me vomit if I had included it!

Basically, the Heart Attack Grill is exactly that – it doesn’t specialize in any healthy food options whatsoever.  That means no lettuce, no tomato – just meat, cheese, and more meat. With a little extra dash of protein..

And that’s obvious from their menu – you can order the Single, Double, Triple or Quadruple Bypass Burgers.  Because you’ll probably need these surgical procedures after eating one of their burgers!

Check it out below:

Heart Attack Grill Restaurant Menu Arizona Quadruple Bypass Burgers!

If you’re wondering, these relate to the number of beef patties/layers of cheese you want.

The Quadruple Bypass Burger has 8000 calories!  To put that into perspective, an average male only needs about 1800 calories per day to maintain weight! So that’s almost a week’s worth of food in one sitting!  Urrrggghhh..

Can you imagine doing a Super Size Me at the Heart Attack Grill? I reckon I’d be dead after 2 days.

Luckily, the Heart Attack Grill has it’s own ‘doctors and nurses’.

Anyone who eats any of these burgers would surely need to audition for The Biggest Loser to rid the fat from one’s arteries, and everywhere else..

Heart Attack Grill Video

Anyway, check out this video from CBS about the Heart Attack Grill – and try not to feel queasy….


Even me, a meat eater who loves steak (for example, check out Don’t Cry For Meat Argentina) was having trouble watching this video. Actually, I think I’m still feeling really sick in the stomach! I might need to take out a new health care plan!

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Enjoy wiping the spew off your computer screen!

So if you’re around Chandler, Arizona, have a big feed at the Heart Attack Grill!

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3 thoughts on “Heart Attack Grill, Arizona. The Biggest Loser’s Biggest Enemy, with Burgers To Die For..”

  1. Avatar Of Music Festivals

    That is disgusting. But I want one! I guess that’s a once in a lifetime meal for someone who is super duper healthy (and very hungry). I wonder how many people have been physically ill after (or during) eating at that restaurant.

  2. Avatar Of Thomas

    I thought the average man needed 2500 calories? Oh well that’s my excuse anyway!

    I think that the waitresses’ uniforms might be designed to increase the chance of a heart attack as well 😉
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..Volcanic Ash Proof Holidays Take Off =-.

  3. Avatar Of Valeria Kelly

    A close friend of mine died of a Heart Attack, his heart condition is caused by him being so obese.`~`

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