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Health Worker – Funny Travel Photo from African Hospital

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Health Worker – Funny Photo, Makes You Wonder!

Health Workers. In the western world, we take them for granted. Most of us are lucky to roll up to a doctor in fairly quick time.  However, in Africa, one would be lucky to find a Health Worker after a few days walk.

Having said that, one thing that I find fascinating about travel in general are signs.  Signs are usually produced for a reason, and they sometimes range from the quite useful, the painfully obvious, to the downright bizarre.  An example of this is the Sand Sign in Namibia.  Another one I’ve come across is the ‘Highjacking Hotspot’ signs placed at some motorway off ramps in Johannesburg, South Africa.

However, I spotted a sign in mid-2008, which is a cracker!  I took this photo at a hospital in Malawi, located in Livingstonia, a former mission town set up in the late 1800s.  The main reason for Livingstonia’s existence is that it’s set at altitude, which means fewer mosquitos, and hence, malaria.  Since missionaries were tired of dying of malaria, Livingstonia was a perfect location for another dot to be created within the British Empire.

Health Worker – Only Funny Because It’s True?

However, malaria may not be a leading cause of death for Health Workers anymore, based on this sign:


I’m not sure of the exact reason behind producing this sign for Health Workers, but I’m guessing it relates to a patient’s bedside manner and not the doctor’s!

Actually, my photo eventually appeared in Weird World (Bradt Guides).

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More Health Worker Stuff!

When in Africa, you can also check out another kind of African Doctor, or see what women have to put up with during Child Birth.

See more at Africa: A Practical Guide for Global Health Workers, and Helping Health Workers Learn: A Book of Methods, Aids, and Ideas for Instructors at the Village Level.Ir?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=As2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=0942364104 | Malawi Travel Blog | Health Worker - Funny Travel Photo From African Hospital | Community Health, Funny Sign, Health Agencies, Health Jobs, Health Of Workers, Health Worker, Livingstonia, Malawi, Social Worker, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Anyway, think of this sign the next time you visit a Health Worker!

More Malawi stuff

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11 thoughts on “Health Worker – Funny Travel Photo from African Hospital”

  1. Avatar Of Promotional Coasters
    promotional coasters

    The poster seems funny but it has depth. I think this is nice effort to aware the relation of patients and doctor.

  2. Avatar Of Life Insurance Quotes Site
    Life Insurance Quotes Site

    Funny pics indeed, keep em coming
    .-= Life Insurance Quotes Site´s last blog ..Insurance Savings Tips =-.

  3. Avatar Of Virginia @ How To Lose Weight
    Virginia @ how to lose weight

    I would argue that in the western world doctors are easy accessible. Yes, you can find a doctor fast, that’s true, but how helpful can the doctor be if you are hard on cash and don’t have health insurance?

    .-= Virginia @ how to lose weight´s last blog ..Five Weight Loss Myths =-.

  4. Avatar Of Julia@Missions Travel

    This is amusing! 🙂

    But I bet the healthcare workers at Livingstonia didn’t have our amusement in mind when this sign was made.

    It never ceases to amaze me how different cultures can be!

  5. Avatar Of Jason: Camden Place
    Jason: Camden Place

    I can only imagine what healthcare workers have gone through in Africa to induce them to post something such as this. Kudos to the men and women volunteers whose patience and hard work are indeed commendable!

  6. Avatar Of Lily

    Just to let you know…signs like this are posted in the hallways of every American hospital. They just don’t have pictures and they threaten you with felony conviction. This is not a uniquely African issue.

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