Happy Halloween! It’s October 31 and it’s time for kids all around the world to door knock at every strangers house to say trick or treat so that dentists will be rubbing their hands the next year once all those cavities burn a hole through a lot of teeth and parent’s pockets!

This event has a long and complicated history, but it’s well and truly alive today.
Your local neighbourhood will be full of people dressed up in all sorts of Halloween costumes and this is the one night of the year were you can wear the weirdest thing you have and no one is going to really care.
But to celebrate, some creative types come up with the most odd, bizarre, and sometimes scary Halloween Cakes.
Yes, Halloween is the perfect time for over active imaginations to go into overdrive to come up with the most out there cake creations to ever be baked in an oven.
Here they are for you to enjoy, and to possibly gross out on!
Some Weird Halloween Cakes!
There are some people out there with way too much time on their hands!

There you go!
Whatever you’re doing for Halloween, make it a good one!
These are cool! Let’s start cooking!
I think these Halloween Cakes require way more patience than I have!