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Great American Beer – Does it Exist? MYTHBUSTER!

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Great American Beer – Myth or Reality?

Great American Beer – does it exist?

Well, yes it does!

People who haven’t visited the States are under the impression that the Yanks only brew crap beer.  This is a total fallacy.  I’ve tasted some Great American Beer that had me wanting more!

There are numerous microbreweries around that make some fantastic drops, that are often quite high in alcohol.

Here is a beer menu from a pub in New York, located in the Greenwich Village precinct.  I tried all of these beers, eventually… (OK, except for the Bud Light), and they were all great.

You can even see my appalling beer spillage as well.


Think about it.  No country ever exports their best beer – they only send their crap stuff and market it as the essence of the country, and keep the best stuff for themselves to enjoy.

I have an Australian example – Fosters.  Do you know any Australians who drink it?  I didn’t think so.

So, next time you visit the States, drink some Great American Beer.  I just wish the Yanks could export some of their Great American Beer around the world, there’s a market for it I’m sure!  I don’t want to travel halfway around the world every time I want some.

Or maybe that’s the point!  You can also find out more about Great American Beer here.

Other things to do in the States – check out the interesting characters on Google Maps and the Pigeon Camera.

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More Great American Beer Stuff

Check out Great American Craft Beer: A Guide to the Nation’s Finest Beers and BreweriesThe Naked Pint: An Unadulterated Guide to Craft Beer and The Best of American Beer and Food: Pairing & Cooking with Craft Beer.

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6 thoughts on “Great American Beer – Does it Exist? MYTHBUSTER!”

  1. Avatar Of Gavin

    glad to see some support for the American craft beer scene. there are LOADS of amazing, innovative brews out there (some that don’t even leave the county in which they’re made) and it has even been said that we’ve inspired the recent boom in scandinavia’s beer community. a lot of microbreweries care about beer first, money later, a complete 180 from the the big boys who need all kinds of gimmecky marketing to sell their otherwise bland and boring beer – thanks for posting

    Gavin’s last blog post..mhribar: Michigan makes some good beer – i dig the Founders philosophy: "always unfiltered. sediment is normal."

  2. Avatar Of

    Great list..Don’t know if I’d put Bud Light on the list…Sorry. I traveled to Scotland in 2006 with my cousin — she orderd a Bud Light. I was kind of embarassed by this…it was her first time to the UK so I know she was apprehensive about trying a beer from the UK. There was no way she was drinking the Guinness. At least it was served at room temperature and NOT bloody cold!’s last blog post..Travel Skills Can Look Good on a Travel Writer’s Resume

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