It’s another ‘how to learn another language time‘. This time, it’s about learning some of the funny German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives that are out there in Deutsche linguistic land! But you might learn more below!
I mean, they’re the only words that you really need to know apart from hello, please, goodbye, thank you and beer. It’s the language that the locals use, and they’ll appreciate you having a bit of fun as long as you keep it within the right context.

Like other language lessons on this silly website (see my list of British Slang, Australian Slang, Kiwi Slang, Irish Slang, Russian, French and Spanish swear words), the Germans have come up with a great number of colourful expressions that are spoken to brighten up your day!
What are some great German Swear Words?

Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren – Your mother goes whoring in the city
Deine Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken – Your mother sweats when she s%#@s
Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! – Your grandma masturbates standing up!
Klugscheißer – bogmouth/know-all/smart aleck
Ich ficke Katzen – I f$^% cats
Only the Germans could come up with a word like Shadenfreude which means ‘to have pleasure due to the misfortune of others’. There’s no way that the English language could come up with something like that!

I’ve been to Germany before and I really loved it there. I mean, a beer lover like myself (see Oktoberfest), when planted in the country that is an expert in brewing beer, is in an amber ale paradise! The people there are really friendly, helpful (and funny), plus everything works and is on time.
Plus there’s some cool things to see and do there like eat Currywurst, watch the portable sausage cooking man, and take a wee in goal at the funniest urinal I’ve ever seen.
Anyway, have a look below at the silly German Swear Words and other funny expressions that I trawled from around the place!
Genießen! (Enjoy!).
German Swear Words, Slang, Expletives and Expressions! The Ultimate and Rather Silly List!
Here you go!
German Swear Word, Expletive or Expression | Rough English Translation |
Aasgeier | Vulture |
abdrehen (Ich bin einfach abgedreht.) | to lose it (I just lost it.) |
abticken (Tick nicht ab!) | to lose your grip (Get a grip!) |
Alte | Old bag/bat |
Alter wichser | Old wanker |
am Blitz geleckt haben (Der hat wohl am Blitz geleckt!) | totally mental (That guy’s totally mental!) |
Angeber | Braggart/boaster/loudmouth |
Armleuchter | Dead head/f%#@wit |
Arschfotze | a$$c%#@ |
Arschgeige | d@#khead (lit. a$$ violin) |
Arschgesicht | a$$face (Butthead) |
Arschkeks, verfluchter! | Stupid s%#@head |
Arschloch | a$$hole |
ätzend | Godawful |
Aufgeilen | To wind up/get turned on |
ausflippen (Ich flippe gleich aus.) | to flip out (I’m about to flip out.) |
Backpfeifengesicht | fish face |
beinhart | terrific/rock hart |
Blöde Gans! | silly cow |
Bloede Kuh | stupid cow |
blutige Sau | bloody pig |
Blvde Fotze | Stupid c%#@ |
Blvdes Arschloch | stupid a$$hole |
breit sein | to be spaced out/far gone (dope) oder to be pissed/sloshed/several sheets to the wind (drink) |
Bruchbude | flea pit |
Bulle | Cop |
bumsen | to screw/bang/get laid |
Bumslokal | red light bar |
das Arschloch | a$$hole |
Das ist ja Kinderkacke. | This is really childish bulls%#@. |
Das ist mir furzegal! | I don’t give a f%#@! |
Das ist mir scheißegal | I don’t give a f%#@ |
Das ist voll nervig! | That is really annoying! |
Das macht mich verrückt! | That drives me crazy! |
Das pisst mich an! | That pisses me off! |
Das stinkt mir! | That pisses me off |
Das stört mich total! | That bugs the hell out of me! |
Das war zu einfach! | That was too easy! |
Dein Hund soll deine Mutter ficken | Your dog must f%#@ your mother |
Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren | Your mother goes whoring in the city |
Deine Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken | Your mother sweats when she s%#@s |
Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! | Your grandma masturbates standing up! |
Depp | Idiot |
der abschaum | scum |
der abschaum der menschlichen gesellschaft | the scum of the earth |
der Arsch | a$$ |
der drecksack | dirty bastard |
der dreckskerl | bastard |
der Lutscher | sissy |
der Penner | f%#@er |
der Scheisskerl | piece of s%#@ |
der Schwanz | d@#k (lit. tail) |
der schwanzlutscher | c@#k sucker |
der Teufel | the devil |
der teufel wird los sein | the s%#@’s going to hit the fan |
der Waschlappen (literally means “dishrag”) | wussy |
die Arschmade (literally means “ass maggot”) | son of a bitch |
die Drecksau (literally means “dirty pig”) | s%#@-head |
die Fotze | c%#@ |
Die Fregatte | Fat old bitch (Lit: Frigate) |
die Hure | Whore |
Die Möpse | Breasts (Lit: Lap dogs) |
die Scheiße | s%#@ |
die Schlampe | bitch |
die Titten | Breasts |
die Zicke | bitch |
Dösbaddel | jerk/moron/cretin |
Dreckige Hure | Dirty whore. |
Drecksack | a$$hole/s%#@ (person) |
Drecksau | s%#@ pig |
Drecksnest | armpit of the universe |
Du alte Kackbratze! | old ugly women |
Du arschgefickter Hurensohn! | You a$$-f%#@ed son of a bitch! |
Du Bastard! | Bastard! |
Du bist (so) besonders… nur wie jeder sonst | You are special… just like everyone else |
Du bist ein volltrottel | You’re an idiot |
Du bist ‘ne Schlampe! | You are a slut! |
du blöde stinkfotze | you stupid stinking c%#@ |
Du Drecksack! | You Dirtbag! |
du dumme kuh | you stupid cow |
Du Dummkopf | You stupid head |
Du Fickfehler | You Retard (lit. You f%#@mistake) |
Du gehst mir auf den sack! | You get on my nerves/wick/tits |
Du gehst mir voll auf den Sack! | You’re really busting my balls! |
Der mist | This s#$% |
Du hast den Arsch offen | You´re full of s%#@ |
Du Hurensohn | You son of a bitch |
Du kannst mich mal! | f%#@ you! (lit. You can do me.) |
Du Lusche! | useless idiot/jerk |
Du Muschi! | you loser! |
Du Sackgesicht! | you bag face! |
Du Schweinehund! | You pig-dog! |
Du spinnst wohl | You must be kidding/joking oder You must be off your head |
du verdammter Arschficker | you damn a$$f%#@er |
Du verdammtes Arschloch | you bloody a$$hole |
du verdreht missgeburt | you dippy bastard |
Du Weichei! | you sissy (lit. “soft egg”) |
Dummbatz | Dumba$$ |
dumme Kuh | idiot (lit. dumb cow) |
dumme Nuss | moron/idiot |
Dumme Schlampe. | Stupid bitch. |
Dummes Huhn | stupid chicken |
Dummkopf | Stupid head |
duncauf | idiot |
durchdrehen (Sie wird durchdrehen.) | to go postal (She’s going to go postal.) |
Eh man, locker bleiben. | Take it easy, man. |
Eier | balls/bollocks/nuts/goolies/cobblers |
Eigentlich bin ich Pazifist. | Actually I’m a pacifist. |
Einfach tief einatmen. | Just take a deep breath. |
Esel | donkey/oaf |
Ess Scheisse | eat s%#@ |
Ess Scheisse und stirb | Eat s%#@ and die |
fahr zur holle | go to hell |
fauler Sack | idle sod |
fauler zauber | dirty deal/cheat |
feiger Hund | coward/yellowbelly |
Fettarsch | fat arse |
Fettbacke | Dirtbag |
Fick deine Mutter | f%#@ your mother |
Fick dich | f%#@ you |
Fick dich Arschloch | f%#@ you a$$hole |
Fick dich in Knie | Go f%#@ youself/get stuffed |
Fick dich, Wichser. | f%#@ you, jerk-off. |
ficken | to f%#@/lay/bang/screw |
Ficken Rossette | f%#@ing a$$hole |
Ficker | f%#@er |
Filzlaus | pain in the arse |
Flasche | bore/prat |
Flatter machen | to make oneself scarce |
Fotze | c%#@ |
Fresse! | Shut it/shut your trap |
für`n Arsch | bloody/f%#@ing useless |
Geh ein schwanz lutschen | Go suck a d@#k |
Geh’ kacken! | Go take a dump! |
Geh’ ‘ne Kuh melken | Go milk a cow |
Geh Staub fressen | Go eat dust |
Geh zum Teufel | Go to hell (Lit. Go to the devil) |
geil | horny |
geiler Bock | randy/horny so and so |
geiles Luder | nympho |
Gesöff | gut rot |
Gewalt ist keine Lösung. | Violence is not the answer. |
Giftzahn | rat bag |
Giftzwerg | evil little devil/bastard |
Gottverdammt ! | God dammit ! |
Halt de fick klappe | Shut the f%#@ up |
Halt deine Fresse | Shut up! |
Halt die Klappe. | Shut your trap. |
Halts maul | shut your face/gob/trap |
Hat jemand dir ins Gehirn geschissen | Are you crazy? |
Hey, hör auf mit dem Scheiss. | Hey, cut that s%#@ out. |
Himmel, Arsch, und Zwirn! | Goddamn it! |
Hirnlose Ochse | Brainless Ox |
hirnrissig | crazy/nuts |
homofuerst | duke of homosexuality |
Hornochse | turkey/jerk/muttonhead |
Horst | moron |
Huhrensohn | Son of a whore |
Ich bin völlig im Arsch | I´m knackered/shagged out/dead |
Ich ficke deine Mutter | I f%#@ your mother |
Ich ficke deine Schwester | I f%#@ your sister |
Ich ficke Katzen | I f$%^ cats |
Ich hasse dich. | I hate you. |
Ich misch mich lieber nicht ein. | I’d rather not get involved. |
ich will dich ficken | I want to f%#@ you |
Ich will ficken | I want to f%#@ |
Ich will ficken | I want to f%#@ |
Ist mir doch scheissegal! | I don’t give a s%#@! |
Ist was? | Got a problem? |
Kackbratze | s%#@head (lit. Face full of s%#@) |
kamel | dodo |
Käsequanten | stinkfeet |
Klugscheißer | bogmouth/know-all/smart aleck |
Knacker | old turd |
Knalltüte | wimp |
Korinthenkacker | pisser/fusspot |
Kotzbrocken | pain (in the arse) |
kotzen | to throw up/puke/barf/spew/vomit |
Kümmerling | runt/wimp |
Küss meinen Arsch | Kiss my a$$ |
Labern | to rabbit on/blab/blabber |
Lahmarsch | slowcoach |
Lahme Ente | lame duck |
lech mien arsch | lick my a$$ |
Leck mich | Bite me |
Leck mich (doch) | Lick me |
Leck mich am Arsch | Kiss my a$$/Up yours |
Lick au mosh | Kiss my a$$ |
linken | to cheat |
LMS (Lutsch mein’ Schwanz) | SMD (suck my d@#k) |
Lude | Pimp |
Luder | Bitch |
Luft im Sack haben (Er hat nur Luft im Sack!) | to be full of s%#@ (He’s so full of s%#@!) |
Lutsch’ meine Eier | Suck my balls |
Macker | bloke/tough guy/macho |
Mensch, reiss dich zusammen. | Dude, keep your s%#@ together. |
miefen | to pong/reet/stink |
Mieser Stricher | bad male prostitute |
missgeburt | bastard |
Miststück | Bitch / Bastard |
mudblut hure | mudblood whore |
muschi lecker | p@#$y licker |
Mutterficker | Motherf%#@er |
Na und? | What about it? |
Na, du Wichser! | Hey, jerk-off! |
Nepp | ripp off |
Nervensäge | pain in the arse |
nicht aushalten (Die Beiden kann ich nicht aushalten.) | can’t stand (I can’t stand those two.) |
Nun ist die Kacke am Dampfen. | The s%#@ has hit the fan. |
nur Scheisse über etwas/jemanden reden (Er redet nur Scheisse über uns.) | to talk s%#@ about (He’s always talking s%#@ about us.) |
Nutte | tart/hooker/whore/pro |
Onanieren | Masturbate |
pestbaeule | pest lump |
Piefke | brown-nose/creep |
Pisse | piss/pee |
Pisser | f%#@er |
Pissnelke | jerk/cow |
plattmachen | to bore/astonish |
Quacksalber | quack |
reihern | to throw up/ride the porcelain bus |
Reiß dich am riemen | Get a grip!/Pull yourself together! |
Rotzfahne | snot rag |
Rowdy | hooligan/rowdy |
Rübe | nob/noggon/conk |
Saftladen | These people couldn`t organize a bunfight |
saufen | to booze/raise in the elbow/get plastered |
Saugen Sie eine T?te Schw?nze | Suck a bag of |
Scheiss drauf, ich hol’ die Bullen. | f%#@ this, I’m calling the cops. |
Scheiße | s%#@/crap |
scheissekopf | s%#@head |
Scheissen | To s%#@ |
Scheißhaus | s%#@house |
Scheißspiel! | lousy game/this game stinks |
schluffig | slouchy |
Schluss damit! | Stop it! |
Schluss mit lustig! | Ok, playtime’s over! |
Schnarchsack | snorer |
Schwanzlutscher | c@#ksucker |
Schweinepriester | creeping Jesus |
Schwuchtel | faggot, homo |
Schwul | gay |
Sei doch nicht so macho, eh. | Enough with the “tough guy” act. |
Sense! | It´s all over/Kiss your a$$ and goodbye |
shaisa | s%#@! |
Shishkoff | s%#@bird |
So ein Beschiß! | What a crock (of s%#@)! |
Sohn einer Hündin! | Son of a bitch! |
spinnen (Spinnst du oder was?) | to be nuts (Are you f%#@ing nuts?) |
Sprich nicht mit mir, du verrückter Mann! | Do not talk to me crazy man! |
steig auf diese Hoden! | get on these nuts! |
Stinkstiefel | pratt |
sturer Bock | stubborn old goat |
Titten | knockers |
Transuse | ragged arse/idle layabout |
Trottel | Stupid |
Tussi | skirt/crumpet |
Varpiss dich! | f%#@ off! |
verdammt du hurensohn | dammit you son of a bitch |
Verdammte Scheiße! | Shit! Dammit! |
vergiss es! | Forget it/Give it a rest! |
Verhurtes Drecksgör | Dirty girl |
Verpiss dich! | Piss off/get lost |
vögeln | to f%#@/screw/bang/hump |
Voll der Depp! | What a dumb-a$$! |
Was für ein Arschloch. | What a complete a$$hole. |
Was geht hier ab? | Whats going on/down? |
Was soll der Scheiss? | What’s up with the s@#$? |
Was zur Hölle? | What the hell? |
wertlos kind | worthless child |
wichser | wanker |
Wilde Tier Schwarze Affee Arschloch | Wild Animal Black Monkey a$$hole |
Zicke | Bitch |
Zickig | Bitchy |
Zieh Leine! | Piss off/Get lost/make tracks |
Zimtzicke | Quarrelsome and Bitchy Woman |
zur Holle mit dir | to hell with you |
As with any language, make sure you know the context of what you’re saying otherwise you might come back to your own country a tad injured!
Anyway, enjoy practicing your German Swear Words out loud!
For more swearing and linguistics, check out my list of Australian Slang, Russian Swear Words, Italian Swear Words and French Swear Words! Plus how to speak New Zealand Slang!
See more at Dirty German: Everyday Slang from “What’s Up?” to “F*% Off!” (Dirty Everyday Slang).
If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.
More Amusing Stuff from Germany:
- Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany – The Beer Stein Stack Snake!
- German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! How To Speak German!
- Adolf Hitlers Bunker: Is A Carpark! Downfall Film Parody Time!
- Currywurst – Berlin’s and Germany’s Favourite Sausage Food
- Berlin Wall, Germany – Not Entirely Collapsed or Fallen
- Funny Elevator Buttons – Clever Design for Farting Hotel Patrons
- Mobile Sausage Cooker: Innovative Business in Berlin Germany
- European Football Championship Fever in Germany – Makes The Urinal!
- Funny Traffic Signs: Pedestrian Lights in Berlin Germany. The Ampelmännchen
- 9flats Review. Apartments & Private Property For Rent – Homes not Hotels
Thanks for the translation… after 30 years in the UK I can now express myself fully and don’t have to stay polite all the time?
Ha ha, funny! Danke!
Couldn’t find any insulting words for “yob”, “yokel”, or any insulting a person’s perceived social status, in a world so conscious of the huge gap between elites & the rest.😅 Down in Audi territory, (a certain town in Bayern😄) people call speeding drivers “Audiots” as they are generally driving that brand of vehicle. And I think I’m spelling “Prolatt” correctly when I read this word in an insulting comment about the disadvantages of the €9.00 ticket introduced during the Summer. No really effective translations for either “snobs” or “yokels” came up in Google, as far as I could appreciate. Perhaps you can advise? Thx!♡
Pretty complete, but you should still be somewhat careful with these words. 😉
Native germans know when to use which expletive… for example, some of these are lightheartedly used by close friends as nicknames (“Hey, du Wichser, wie gehts dir?” [Hey, fucker, how are you?]). Some others may earn you a punch in your face.
It totally depends on the context if something is seen as funny or rude.
You’re definitely right – swear words in any language completely depend on the context!
I am a native German and enjoyed seeing a lot of our slang expressions in one place. Thanks for collecting them.
However, a lot of them are not translated correctly at all.
Email me if you are interested in translating them into a native tongue.
our german teacher used to call us something like “Blutziniger esel” We never knew what it actually meant.
It means something akin to “blödsinniger Esel” which translates into “stupid jackass”.
Was #5 of your favorite phrases a mistake? Because it was absolutely hilarious to read
Just wanted to let you know that “ich finke Katzen” means “I fuck cats”, not “your mother stinks like fish”.
Yeah some of them aren’t that correctly translated
You forgot “weichei”. I didn’t see it in the list, maybe it is.
When I was stationed in Augsburg, Germany, my German gf at the time kept calling her ex an Arschlecker. I asked her what it meant. She told me, so a bit confused, I inquired & she told me that “brown-noser” didnt translate in German logically, so they used our metaphorical image of what a brown noser does, and tweaked it to better represent the “metaphorical image” of a brown noser to that of an asslicker!
Ha ha, love it!
My father, who spent 5 years in a POW camp, used to call me and my siblings “wertlose schwinehunden”. I dont see this on your list. If you want to destroy a kids self esteem, it works like a charm.
I see dpb and Kelly made the same remarks, but some of these are just not correct translations. Like, I don’t know if you’re taking the piss, but “Ich ficke Katzen” is NOT “your mother stinks like fish” at all. It’s “I fuck cats” and if you use this in an argument with someone in Germany, you’ll get some weird looks. I hope Anthony isn’t trying to set anyone up to look like an ass haha neat list, though! Some of these are very creative.
Ich ficke Katze lol, no that means I fuck cats
I am a native german and it’s really funny to read this, but I have to say that very much of the words aren’t used or exist in Germany. Or maybe wrong translation.
“Ich ficke Katzen” doesnt mean “your mother stinks like fish” it means “i fuck cats”
unacceptable behaviour!! i told my german friend ich ficke katzen and she replied with good for u, that’s when i realised something wasn’t write. i decided to take this to a new level and do some research and i learnt that ur translation was wrong, i am in serious trouble as my friend has reported me to peta