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Travel Writing – The Importance Of Getting ‘Out There’

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Hi there.  Here is a slightly more serious post, which is a first for me! Last week, Trisha and Rebecca from the Travel Writers Exchange were kind enough to send out an article of mine titled ‘Travel WritingThe Importance Of Getting ‘Out There’.

I didn’t realise that we were both following each others blogs until I received a comment from Rebecca on one of my posts.

One thing lead to another, and all of a sudden, they asked me to produce an article about Travel Writing, and my experience so far in producing a Travel Blog.

Travel Writing Time!

Travel Writing Tips - Online, Blogs, Freelance

In summary, the article is about my experience so far of how important it is to just write away – whatever your travel content is – and have it sent it out into the internet for others to have a look at it.

Actually, when I first came across their great site which includes very handy tips, I looked at the URL toolbar and at first glance, went ‘What The?’ because I thought the URL meant ‘Travel Writer Sex Change’ instead (look at the URL toolbar, you’ll know what I mean!).

Anyway, Trisha and Rebecca are great value.  Trisha is going to interview me soon for a podcast, so I will let you know when that is ready!

The main point about: the most important thing to do is to DO IT, and see what happens!

Anyway the article is here – Travel Writing – The Importance Of Getting ‘Out There’.

Enjoy, and watch out for more silly stuff on The Travel Tart site!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Priapus The Fertility God From Turkey - Funny Travel Souvenirs!

Also if you want to improve your Travel Writing, check out Travel Writing (How to)The Travel Writer’s Handbook: How to Write – and Sell – Your Own Travel Experiences and TRAVEL WRITING 2.0: Earning Money from your Travels in the New Media Landscape.

Check out more at Travel Writing Examples and Travel Writing Jobs.

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5 thoughts on “Travel Writing – The Importance Of Getting ‘Out There’”

  1. Avatar Of Ronald Jeff

    Ya… everyone should out on holiday at least for a week once in year. Its not just about seeing the world and new places. It is about refreshening the mind and body.

  2. Avatar Of Bilety Lotnicze
    Bilety lotnicze

    Once a week every year? Thats wayyy too little. Personally I take a break every 3-4 months for at least a longer weekend. Of course depends on your budget but still one needs to reboot from time to time and not spend all his hrs at work..

  3. Avatar Of Julie

    @ Ronald.. You are so correct!! Holidays are about taking time out for yourself, time out to spend with your family or friends. Life sadly can be way to short for many of us. Don’t miss out on the big picture!!

    Happy Holidays 🙂

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