Funny Travel Stories – and everything else Offbeat and Weird about travelling – I love it!
Hi there. My name is Anthony, and I’m a Travel Tart (that is, a Travel Addict). My friends have called me this for many years, and it’s all true. I created this site so that I can yak about Funny Travel tips, especially the unusual or offbeat (it’s even veered me towards undertaking social media consulting too!).
If you are looking for the most up to date travel information out there on the internet, then you have seriously come to the wrong place! Welcome to the travel blog that doesn’t take itself too seriously, because travel was always meant to be fun and not a smorgasbord of buff shirtless pics or bikini poses on Instagram!
Want to know why I really don’t care if you’ve mistaken me for someone who really gives a %&$*? That’s because I’m a long term cancer survivor who really shouldn’t still be around. Read more about my cancer survivorship story here.
But just a quick overview of this rather silly website, here are some quick links:
- Check out the Travel Blog for the latest articles, and also check them out via my Destinations page
- See what I’ve done with Travel Writing & Brand Partnerships, Press Trips, and Promotions including some Blogger Trips & Travel Writing Examples
- How I can help you with a blogging strategy, SEO and social media
- My advertising page
- The rather odd Beer Index.
You won’t see any wanky stories of how I quit my job to go travelling around the world (even on The Amazing Race), or how I became a digital nomad so I could push my money further by living in a third world country.
But somehow, I’ve managed to end up being quoted in all of these places (and see some of my travel writing examples):

No, you will get none of that at all! All you will get will be a series of funny travel photos, videos, and stories because travel itself is not meant to be taken too seriously at all! I mean, what’s the main reason we like travelling?
Because it’s a lot of fun, and the best dinner party conversations are about the funny sign you saw, or the things that don’t quite go to plan! And that’s my mission in life – to make a career about the silly side of travel (go the Travel Influencers in Australia webpage!)
Check out my promo video and you will get the idea!
This may hopefully help me become a professional backpacker one day, so I can provide Funny Travel reviews and Travel Tips for the rest of my life. That’s the dream, and I’m keen as on getting there! Hey, I’ll be your travel blogger for hire anytime!
Here is who I’ve worked with over the years!

Feel free to look around this silly website, and I might see you sometime on the road. The subject matter in the website varies, but keeps in line with the following themes – funny, offbeat, weird, humor, WTF, bizarre, silly, unusual, and downright WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Things like silly travel infographics, hilarious Russian swear words, how to find cheap flight tickets the dodgy way, the worst movies for travellers, how to save money travel tips and how I considered becoming the Best Fashion Blogger in the World!
Also, if you are wondering what I really look like, here is a very serious photo of me! This one made my high school magazine..
Anyway, my mission in life is that I spend my entire time trying to find different ways to fund my Travel Addiction – which tends to drive me a bit crazy. Sometimes, being an Australian Travel Blogger trying to find his way in the world can be a tad annoying!
Sometimes I have to work more when the Australian Dollar dives on international exchange rates whenever there is a Global Financial Crisis. When I have saved up enough money (or when someone offers me a cool junket!), then I go and travel and have a great time, immersing myself into whatever happens – which normally includes great food (for example, the chicken head shown below!), meeting great people (both locals and other travellers), and somehow surviving suicidal taxis that haven’t sent me on a direct line to heaven just yet – severely testing my Backpackers Travel Insurance!
Oh, and if you’re crazy enough and want to send me on a Travel Blogging trip, like others have, feel free to contact me. I’ve done a few of them already! Check out my ever expanding Travel Resume to find out which silly tourism boards and private companies have sent me on a famils or press trips so I could promote their brand to an audience who doesn’t take their travel too seriously.
Actually, what I aim to show is the ‘real’ place. That is, the humour and character of the people that I encounter all around the world. Because in the end, that’s what really makes travel rewarding – coming home with a big smile on your face!
Also, drop me a line if you would like me to feature your Funny Travel Photos, and I’m more than happy to link back to you. That’s if you can understand my Australian slang…!
My Mission Statement
I, the Travel Tart, shall devote my life to endlessly finding dubious ways (ie providing dodgy and Funny Travel tips) to finance my ever worsening travel addiction, to experience as much culture, fun, and people’s hospitality as possible before I leave this planet. Oh, and I might pass on these silly offbeat Funny Travel tips to others in the process.
Here is a bit more Info about me:
Beer, Eating, Hiking, Meeting New People, Partying, Sandboarding, Sitting On Farting Camels, Sleeping, Snoring, Surviving Death Threats From Annoying Hustlers, Funny Travel Stuff, Telling Bad Jokes
The Last Thing I Smashed When Travelling:
My liver
Favourite Music
I’ll listen to almost anything, except for David Hasselhoff. Favourites include Midnight Oil, Crowded House, Split Enz, Pearl Jam, Hoodoo Gurus, Powderfinger, John Butler Trio and Hunters and Collectors.
Favourite Movies
Team America – World Police, Monty Python – The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, and The Meaning of Life.
Contact Me!
Hey, I’m a pretty social kind of guy. Drop an email and say hello! If you have other Offbeat and Funny Travel tips I can blog about, let me know! Or otherwise, if you feel like offering me a writing gig or a Travel Press Trip, even better! You will be my best friend for life!
In the meantime, I’ve developed a massive list of Offbeat and Funny Travel tips – check out my post about 52 Perfect Offbeat Travel Tips! However, I’ve had more cool experiences since then that I should add to the list, but have a look around the website via each continent and country and you will find out some of the crazy stuff I have been doing over the years!
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