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Funny Motorcycle Photos – The Worst Load Ever!

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It’s time for some Funny Motorcycle Photos – The Award for the Worst Motorbike Load Ever!

Definitely part of the Masters of Transport and Logistics range!

Funny Motorcycle Photos


Today I’ve got a funny guest post from Stuart who runs the website Am I Nearly There Yet? It’s about the most ridiculous motorcycle load that he has ever seen. This is a common sight in many countries where most people can’t afford a car, so everything is transported around on motorcycles!

As mentioned previous in their funny Shanghai Restaurant Menu, Stu and Eloise are a couple of English folk travelling the globe long term, sharing their travel adventures through photography, humour, stories and advice! You can follow @StuAndEloise on Twitter and Facebook.

They also run a couple of other sites – Travel On Your Lonesome – Solo Advice for Solo Travellers and Travelling Cheaply.

Anyway, I’ll let Stu take over!

Here’s another hilarious gem of some funny motorcycle pics from possibly the weirdest county in the land – China! Taken in Shanghai, home to the Funniest Chinese Food Menu I’ve ever seen.

2 guys – Obviously opportunist swag collectors – Pleased with their haul decide to load everything onto their two small electric motorbikes!

Here we go with some Funny Motorcycle Pics!

Overloaded Motorbike 1

The guy who drew the short straw had rigged a full sized fridge-freezer, microwave, rice cooker and a bread maker to his small electric motorbike – plus what looks like a pair of boxing gloves to help him ride the doomed machine!

Worst Motorcycle Load 2

His friends load was only slightly more sensible – Just two massive full sized televisions and a couple of wall mounted air-con units and fans…

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Memorial Monuments Of The World - Motorbike Safety

I doubt these machines would carry 2 small Chinese passengers – Let alone all this!

Heavy Motorbike Load 3

We all shared a laugh looking at ridiculous this was – They were scratching their heads and looked a bit worried!

If I could speak passable Chinese I’d say : “Hey guys, why not do two separate journeys?” “Could you borrow a friends van, or a vehicle with 4 wheels?!” “Is this legal?!”

While you’re here: Check out Some Hilarious Chinese Fake Motorbike Brands.

More Funny Motorcycle Stuff

I think this series of photographs should appear in Only In China – A Collection of funny stories through the eyes of a foreigner.


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6 thoughts on “Funny Motorcycle Photos – The Worst Load Ever!”

  1. Avatar Of Michel

    I am still wondering where people are getting these ideas. I hope that no hill is to be climb!

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