It’s language learning time again! And it’s Bonjour to some French Swear Words, Expressions, Phrases, Insults and some silly Slang!
But you can learn ‘correct’ French here..
But learn how people actually speak French on the street here!
Just to give you an idea of what people are looking for out there in internet land, one of the most popular posts of all time on this silly website that still attracts a crapload of search engine traffic is my list of Russian Swear Words!
It just gives you an idea of what people are looking for out there! And I guess with the football World Cup being held in Russia in 2018, I guess people found this particular post rather helpful for non-Russian speakers to brush up on their swearing skills!
But it sort of makes sense! When you’re learning a new language, you want to know what people actually speak, not what the dictionary wants you to say!
I know a few Spanish swear words and expressions which are pretty funny, and I like how they’re used as essential tools of communication!
In today’s edition though, we’re looking at a number of French Swear Words, Slang, Expletives, and Expressions that may come in handy for you some day! Hopefully you won’t need them to translate something someone is saying to you!
And being an expressive language, there’s all sorts of colourful sayings out there!
What are some top French Swear Words and Curses?

Avale mes couilles – Swallow my balls
Branleur de chiens morts – Dead dog’s wanker!
Crève la gueule ouverte! – Die with your mouth open!
Enculer une mouche – go f*** a fly
Face de cul! – Butt face !
Now the French really do appreciate it when you do try to speak their language, even if you butcher it, but I’d advise you to be very, very careful before you try these phrases out because you just never know where life might lead you if you quote some sort of vulgarity out of context!
Make sure you become really, really good friends with some of the French locals first! Actually, when I was compiling these, I had a little chuckle to myself when I was reading some of them.
That’s because I remembered a short period of my life when I was watching one of my all time favourite movies, Team America World Police. That’s because in the very first scene before a lot of carnage happens in Paris, the camera scrolls past some place which is called ‘Le Cafe Merde’. Now, not many people in Australia speak or read French, but I understood what this meant – literally, ‘The S*$& Cafe’!
There’s nothing like being the only person in movie cinema who gets the joke and laughs so much that he draws attention to himself! Oh well! Enough laughs at my expense!
Looks like you’ve only Googled this page so you can pick up a few French swear words and vulgarities, and I’m not going to disappoint you!

Anyway, here you go – here’s a silly list to try out if you’re silly enough!
My Ultimate List of French Swear Words, Slang, Expletives and Expressions!
Sacre bleu! Try keeping these ones in the memory bank!
You’ll need to use these if you’re foolish enough to take a ride around the Arc de Triomph in Paris!
French Swear Word | Rough English Translation |
Abruti | Moron |
allez, va t’en | piss off |
Avale mes couilles | Swallow my balls |
bachie coupe | f*** off |
baise | f*** |
baise moi mor | f*** me dead! |
baise toi | f*** you |
baiser | to f*** |
Batard | Bastard |
Bite | c**k, penis |
bordel de merde | oh f*** |
Branler | To jerk off |
Branleur | Wanker |
Branleur de chiens morts | Dead dog’s wanker! |
Brûle en enfer | Burn in hell |
Ça craint ! | It sucks ! |
Ça fait shier ! | It’s crap ! |
ça pue | that smells bad |
ça schlingue! | that stinks! |
Casse-toi, idiot(e)! | Piss off, idiot! |
C’est des conneries ! | This is bulls*** ! |
C’est quoi ce bordel ? | What the **** ? |
C’est vraiment de ta faute! | It is so your fault! |
Chatte | Pussy/vagina |
Chiant/ça me fait chier | that pisses me off. |
Chier | To s*** |
Con | Unpleasant |
Connard | Idiot / Asshole |
Connasse | The C bomb! |
Couilles | Testicles |
crétin | cretin |
Crève la gueule ouverte ! | Die with your mouth open ! |
Debile | Idiot |
dégage ! | piss off! |
Dégénéré | inbred |
Enculer une mouche | go f*** a fly |
Enculer | f*** |
Face de cul ! | Butt face ! |
Faire chier | I’m annoyed |
Fais chier. | Damn it. |
Ferme ta gueule | Shut the f$^& up! |
Fils de pute | Son of a b%$#^ |
Framble(r) | A annoying person(s) |
Garce | b%$#^ |
gross cul | fat ass |
Il est stupide | He is stupid |
imbécile | fool |
J’ai baisé ta mère | I just ****ed your mother |
J’ai envie de chier | I want to s*** |
Je me fais chier. | I’m bored s***less. |
je m’en fiche | I don’t care |
je m’en fou | I don’t give a s*** |
Je pis dans ta bouche | I piss in your mouth |
Je te nique ta race sale fils de chien | f*** you, you dog’s son |
Je t’emmerde! | Screw you! |
Je veux faire l’amour avec toi. | I want to have sex with you. |
j’en ai marre | I’m fed up |
j’en ai plus rien à foutre | I couldn’t give a flying f*** |
j’en ai ral le bol | I’m really fed up |
j’en ai ral le cul | I’m so f$%^ing fed up |
la vache | oh crap |
Laisse-moi tranquille! | Leave me alone! |
ma couille | my friend (litt: “my ball”) |
Mange de la merde | Eat s*** |
Mange ma bite | Eat my d*** |
Merde | s*** |
Merde embulante | Walking piece of s*** |
Mes couilles en toi | My balls in you |
Meurs, pute! | Die, whore! |
Nique ta mère | Screw your mother |
Niquer | F*** |
Nom de Dieu | Oh my god! |
Oh putain de merde ! | Holy f***ing s*** ! |
Oh, merde! | Oh, s***! |
Petit tabernac | Little f***er |
Petite pute | Little whore |
Putain | Whore |
Putain t’es moche ! | You’re ****in ugly ! |
Putain | Whore |
quel salaud ! | what a bastard! |
Qu’est-ce que tu branles ? | What the hell are you doing? |
Rien à branler | Don’t give a s*** |
Sac merde ! | s*** bag ! |
Sac vin ! | Wine bag ! |
Salaud | Bastard |
Salope | b%$#^ |
Ta gueule | Shut up |
Ta mere la pute | Your mum’s a whore |
Ta mere suce des bites en enfer | Your mother sucks c**k in hell |
Tais-toi! | Shut up! |
T’as intérêt ne pas m’énervé ! | You better not get me angry ! |
t’as pas de couilles | you ain’t got the balls |
T’es débile ? | Are you retarded ? |
t’es rien qu’un petit connard | you really are an a%%hole |
t’es un salaud | you’re a bastard |
Tu commence m’enmerder ! | You’re starting to piss me off ! |
Tu es con | You’re an idiot |
Tu et un ane | Your a jackass. |
Tu fais chier. | You’re breaking my balls. |
Tu me gonfles | you’re pissing me off |
Vas faire foutre a la vache | go f*** a cow. |
Va te faire foutre | F#$% you! |
Va te faire enculer | Go f#$% yourself |
Vous êtes stupide | You are stupid |
Vous sentez comme le boeuf et le fromage | You smell like beef and cheese |
Vous vissez | Screw you |
Zut | Darn |
I’m sure there are a lot more out there!
If you’ve got any more pieces of French swearing gold, leave a comment and I’m sure you’ll make myself and the rest of the world laugh!
Want more? See my list of British Slang, Irish Slang, silly Australian Expressions, Spanish Swear Words, Russian Swear Words and German Swear Words!
More amusing things to do in France – drink some Pschitt Lemonade, say hi to the dead in Pere Lachaise Cemetery, gorge yourself at Chocolate Festivals, gatecrash the Tour De France, see if the Paris Hilton Full Frontal actually exists and visit the Red Light District.
Also check out French Swear Words: A Systematic Guide to Fluent French Swearing.
Au Revoir! Travelling in France soon? Then organise some Backpackers Travel insurance!
Hey Anthony,
Thanks for an interesting and funny article about French swear words.
There a few I never heard like “Vas faire foutre a la vache” ?
Here are some you might want to add from Quebec; ostie, tabanak, crisse, more at
Looking forward to your next article!
Cool, thanks!
Some of these French language curses might not be understood by Euro or African French speakers because they are Canadian French e.g. chier, tabarnac and one or two others I’ve seen. BTW I’m in Canada