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FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa – Funny and Offbeat Travel Attractions of Competing Football Nations

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FIFA World Cup 2010 Time!

The FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa promises to be  another sporting spectacular when it kicks off on June 11.

There are now under 100 days before the FIFA World Cup 2010 starts.  There are 32 countries from every continent (except for Antarctica!) competing for one sport’s ultimate prizes.  You can check out the official FIFA World Cup 2010 website for more info on fixtures.

So instead of trying to be a Football expert and predict the winner, I’ve compiled a list of some of the Funny or Offbeat Travel things to do and see for each of the 32 Competing Nations.

Here we go:

Group A

South Africa (RSA) – The host nation! Make a phone call from the Sea Container Phone Box in Soweto

Phone | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Mexico (MEX) – Visit Santa Muerte, or Saint Death in Mexico City.

Uruguay (URU) – Marvel at the South American Football Sandcastles on the beach at Colonia, Uruguay

Colonia Beach | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

France (FRA) – Go to the stadium where France made the 2010 World Cup by using the ‘Hand of Frog’.  This is the Irish version of events!


Group B

Argentina (ARG) – Eat a tonne of steak and check out the 60 kg beef diet per capita per year.

Steak | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Nigeria (NGA) – Visit Email scam headquarters that send you that annoying spam about depositing 27 million dollars in your bank account – and get them back!

South Korea (KOR) – Check out the lack of English Translation quality assurance on the clothing.

Greece (GRE) – Organise a helicopter to escape from prison.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  City Surfing at Durban, South Africa

Group C

England (ENG) – Stay at the Holiday Inn to experience their Human Bed Warmers.

United States (USA) – Eat at the Heart Attack Grill in Arizona.


Algeria (ALG) – Eat what you think is beef meat which has been dodgily substituted by donkey.

Slovenia (SVN) – Learn how kids are toilet trained in school.

Group D

Germany (GER) – Buy a pothole near Leipzig.

Australia (AUS) – Check out the Cockroach Races in Brisbane.

Serbia (SRB) – Fail an alcohol breath test.


Ghana (GHA) – Check out the preaching on public transport


Group E

Netherlands (NED) – Go on a Beer Bike Ride!

Beer Bike Ride Amsterdam Netherlands | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Denmark (DEN) – Steal a boat after a big night on the town – and try rowing to Sweden!

Japan (JPN) – Check out the humourous Engrish signs!

Cameroon (CMR) – Try and go and see a movie at the cinema – only to discover they’re all closed because it’s cheaper to watch television or pirated DVDs.

Group F

Italy (ITA) – Visit the stuffed pigs at the Casa Del Formaggio, Florence.

Casa Del Formaggio House Of Cheese 03 | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Paraguay (PAR) – Take part in a rather large 30,000 kilogram barbeque.

New Zealand (NZL) – Visit the Shoe Fence.

Slovakia (SVK) – Have a chat to the small town mayor who wants to build a 33 metre high Jesus statue.

Group G

Brazil (BRA) – Cover yourself in mud in the Bloco de Lama Festival.

North Korea (PRK) – Compare the real Kim Jong Il to the one portrayed in Team America, World Police!

Kim Jong Il | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogKim Jong Il Puppet Team America | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog








Ivory Coast (CIV) – Win a house because you’ve shunned the notion of Africa Time and decide to be punctual.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Scuba Diving South Africa - Reef Diving at Aliwal Shoal

Portugal (POR) – You can go to the Paper Festival in Portugal.

Group H

Spain (ESP) – Visit the buskers in La Rambla, Barcelona.  There’s all sorts of crackpots there trying to score an income from Euro shrapnel by passing tourists.

La Rambla Barcelona Spain Buskers | South Africa Travel Blog | Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa - Funny And Offbeat Travel Attractions Of Competing Football Nations | Cape Town, Competing Nations, Durban, Fifa World Cup 2010 South Africa, Football, Johannesburg, Soccer, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Switzerland (SUI) – Win an IgNobel Award because you’ve come up with a study to determine whether an empty beer bottle does more or less damage to the human skull than a full one in a bar fight.

Honduras (HON) – Eat part of a 150 metre long sandwich.

Chile (CHI) – Have a caffeine hit at Cafe Con Piernas – Coffee with Legs.  Like going to a strip joint at 9am in the morning.  Basically, you are served coffee by ladies in skimpy clothing !

There you go, there is the FIFA World Cup 2010 list of Funny and Offbeat Travel things to do!

If you’re only interested in Football, then I’d suggest checking out World Cup 2010: The Indispensable Guide to Soccer and Geopolitics, All the Goals of FIFA World Cup 2006 or maybe buy a World Cup 2010 Soccer Ball.

If you’re crap at Soccer, like me, check out Total Soccer Fitness.  Or maybe some Soccer Drill Software!

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22 thoughts on “FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa – Funny and Offbeat Travel Attractions of Competing Football Nations”

  1. Avatar Of Migration Mark

    Hey Anthony,
    Great idea with the World Cup countries and awesome things to do in each country. There are some real spontaneous options. I did enjoy the 60 kg beef diet when I was in Argentina!

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      Ha ha, you share my love of Argentina steak! Looking forward to the World Cup, I just need to find a way to get there!

  2. Avatar Of Nadav

    at we are football ticket agents that work especialy in barcelona, yet, we mantain working relations with all the “who and who” in the football ticket and football hospitality world and the notion for now is that the distance, high ticket prices and a lack of security are affecting sales for the world cup! football shall be international and i would love an african team to win , yet as a spectaters sport … the location should be very well planed. good luck south africa! halla la furia roja!

  3. Avatar Of Weddings In Spain
    Weddings in Spain

    Such a funny post! So many good videos and the Team America film was second to none! Love it.

  4. Avatar Of Uganda Safari

    And those stuffed pigs on the table! Thats my next destination. I like your summary over the world cup countries.
    .-= Uganda safari´s last blog ..Kenya Vacation Safari =-.

  5. Avatar Of Sports Group Travel Packages

    There are some very unique and interesting tidbits of info here. For those who are wanting to travel to the World Cup, we are here to help. I wonder if there will be a long line at the phone box now that it is set up as quite an attraction? 🙂 It would be fun to be able to visit and do different things across the world!

  6. Avatar Of Sports Bars

    Absolutley PMSL, what a hilarious collection of world cup funnies I could have done without seeing the Heart Attack cafe though as I’m trying to diet.


  7. Avatar Of Petrina Revera
    Petrina Revera

    Hello there,I like your site and it looks very interesting and easy to read,really!. I am from Paraguay. I love the Soccer and cannot wait till 11th June, can you?.But there is a problem camming from FIFA. It is that doesn´t choose the best teams in this planet for the World Cup which it should otherwise don´t call the World Cup a final, if you want to play football for the soul of competition then go to the olympics games. this is basically what the World Cup is turning to, and it su…, ire needed to beat germany to be in and is not, jap beat lowly teams as bahrain, qatar, kuwait, to be in, is this justice I dont think so, just because you are in the World Cup it doesn´t mean that you have the quality to be in like jap can attes. Any way, I expect to watch a interesting final on 11th July and my favorite winner team is Paraguay,and my favorite player is Carlos Vela.Good blog and keep going.Cu!

  8. Avatar Of Wettbewerbe

    Most of the factor for the World Champion 2010 are saying Spain will win the title. But usually it isn’t the big favourite that will win the tournament, so I think Brasil will make the race.

  9. Avatar Of Kenya Safaris

    I cant wait for it to start. It will be quite an interesting experience especially since its the first time its being hosted in Africa.

  10. Avatar Of Hotel Deals In The Uk
    Hotel Deals in the UK

    Oh I adore the stuffed pigs in Florence. What a quirky place to buy food. Also I am soooo excited for SOuth Africa and the world cup. The will be on centre stage and Oh I hope they show case themselves. For such people the have had more challenges than any country I know. Good luck.

  11. Avatar Of Susan

    Wow. What a great experienced. I hope I could also have a summary of the World Cup. Indeed, you’ve got a wonderful pictures. Wish to rise in Beer Bike.

  12. Avatar Of Strange

    Good ‘ol Netherlands! Stuff the football, you wouldn’t get me off the beer bike ride!

  13. Avatar Of Bulawayo Accommodation
    Bulawayo Accommodation

    Stuffed pigs on the table! Wow – Fantastic Post – Thats my next destination if I could get out of Zimbabwe. Sad that its all over and even the Octopus has died.

  14. Avatar Of Steve

    What a great post! it is so interesting, i really enjoyed reading and watching the videos, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post! keep it up!

  15. Avatar Of Gorilla Safari
    Gorilla Safari

    after all that happened during that time, It was a time of sadness in Uganda when over 76 people were killed as they watched the world cup. mmmmmmm
    Uganda Wildlife Safari
    Tree Climbing Lion in Uganda

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