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Female Drivers – Bizarre Warning Sign

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Howdy, today’s post definitely isn’t politically correct, but just shows how things are in some places around the world. It’s about Female Drivers – and it’s not what you think!

It’s from my mate who’s travelling around the Philippines, and he sent me a rather unusual sign that he spotted on the back of a car in the city of Cebu.

Now, I thought it was a bit strange and outdated when he sent it through, but it made me smirk – not because of what the sign actually says, but it made me wonder for the reasons behind it.

It’s about when we all land our first driver’s licence. We’ve all been there. Going through the motions of driving lessons (hopefully without stacking the car) and then behing handed a set of keys (usually your parent’s) so you can enjoy your first taste of freedom of the road.

Statistically speaking, younger drivers are more likely to have issues with serious motor accidents – which some people think is a combination of inexperience and sometimes – being a bit reckless.

Which is why car insurance premiums are normally a lot higher for this age group.

But the Philippines takes warning other drivers about new drivers to the next level.

The ‘New Female Drivers’ Sign!

Yes, I couldn’t believe it, and my mate didn’t either…

Female Drivers, Women Drivers

I asked him if he spotted any ‘New Male Driver’ signs, but he hasn’t come across one yet!

Note, this is a place where cows sometimes get a ride in public transport and whole families fit on a motorbike. Plus there are inventive motorcycle shades too!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Worst Drivers In The World

Ironically, the vast majority of the Worst Drivers In The World that I have come across have been men who have had pretty much nil disregard for their safety – or my own. Which made me want to catch the bus!

The worst by far were the taxi drivers in Cairo, Egypt where I feared for my life – both inside the car, and crossing the street! Yes, it was that bad!

Conversely, I’ve been driven around by women without any issue – so I’m not sure why the stereotype is still around.

I also had an auto rickshaw driver in India who wasn’t too far off – and that’s after he took me to some dodgy shop so his friend could spruik something to me that I didn’t need or want!

But anyway, looks like gender stuff still persists in some places in the world – which might change one day!


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