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Febo: Unhealthy Fast Food Dutch Takeaway in Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Febo – Fast Food That Clings to Your Aorta!

I had the joy of experiencing the unhealthy greasiness of Febo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands as part of a recent Rail Europe trip. Febo is an example of Dutch Fast Food which is easily accessible after a big night out on the booze, or most likely, a big night smoking hooch in one of Amsterdam’s many Coffee Shops.

Basically, Febo is an automated way of accessing a quick bite without having to talk to any staff whatsoever – that is, it’s like a vending machine for greasy fast food that rivals the Vending Machines in Japan.

Here is a Febo display below I spotted in Amsterdam town:

Febo Unhealthy Fast Food Dutch Takeaway In Amsterdam Netherlands

Anyway, you can buy all sorts of crap from the Febo vending machines – which includes burgers, croquettes, and other deep fried stuff that almost makes the Heart Attack Grill look healthy!

I went straight to the croquette line and bought one euro fifty’s worth of greasy goodness! It felt good for a couple of minutes before it made it’s way down to my stomach! Then I felt a bid dodgy afterwards!

Heart Attack Food

What happens is that you insert your coins into a coin machine, and press on the button of the munchie food of your choice. The front window flips out, and then you grab your food and then chow down with all of your friends. Someone checks the Febo displays regularly to restock the ‘food’!

I probably wouldn’t recommend Febo as a dining establishment for a first date, but hey, anything goes in Amsterdam, so I’m sure someone has probably tried this fine fast food establishment as a place to further a romance! Or maybe to pick up someone of the opposite (or same!) sex!

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Anyway, I put together a short video on how you buy Febo in the Netherlands! You will get the idea!

More Febo stuff

See more at Fast Food, Fast Talk: Service Work and the Routinization of Everyday Life.

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