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Fast Food Advertising – Starve To Death!

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Cape Town in South Africa is definitely in my top 10 list of favourite cities around the world. I’ve been there a couple times and have amazingly not lost my liver by spending many a night out on the town there with it’s amazing night life and party atmosphere.

I’m sure there are plenty a traveller who has also felt they needed to put their name on the liver transplant register after partying way too much in this great place.

It’s a pretty spectacular city, based on it’s geographical location (take a Harley Ride around the place to see what I mean).

Cape Town South Africa

But there are loads of other reasons why a like the Cape Town area.

Firstly, there’s the excellent food scene – great quality at reasonable prices. That includes eating copious amounts of meat at an all day street party.

Plus I really like the people there. I’ve been there five times and have always been made welcome by everyone. People don’t take themselves too seriously and are always looking for an excuse for a good time.

One thing I also like is the sense of humour. Like everywhere else in South Africa, even the food stalls know how to not take themselves too seriously!

Here is an example!

Check out the name of this fast food joint located at the Waterfront in Cape Town whilst I was waiting for a ferry bound for Robben Island!

Fast Food Advertising – Guilt Trip Anyone? I Hope No-One Starves To Death!

Well, this sign would catch my eye if I had walked past it hungry!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Funny Toilet Sign - House of Curries

Food Advertising - Starve To Death

I like how the stall owner is using both humour, and trying to tug at the heart strings at the same time just so you can buy some chicken and chips or a meat roll of some description.

The stall owner even has his small menu written in Chinese! But not under the ‘starve to death’ sign. Sometimes things don’t translate into other languages!

There you go. If you’re ever at the Waterfront in Cape Town, feel free to drop into this stall so that the stall owner and you both don’t starve to death!

Sounds like a pretty good excuse to me to chow down right now!

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