Eurobeat The Musical is a new play which basically takes the piss out of The Eurovision Song Contest.
That sounds like an oxymoron to me, because the Eurovision Song Contest does a great job of being silly all by itself!
However, making fun of the Eurovision Song Contest can be done!
The contest has been around since the 1970s – the Swedish pop group ABBA got their big break at Eurovision.
But usually, The Eurovision Song Contest involves a heap of wannabe acts making a goose of themselves! I’m surprised it’s been going for so long.
I’d actually like to go to the Eurovision Song Contest just for the experience. I think it would be hilarious.
I love watching the Contest each year because of the smart arse comments the English Narrator, Sir Terry Wogan used to insert in the broadcast.
You can read more about Eurovision at ‘THIS IS SWEDEN CALLING: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About The Eurovision Song Contest But Were Laughing Too Hard To Ask!
Eurobeat The Musical Makes Fun of Eurovision!
Anyway, one of the perks of being a Z grade Twitter ‘celebrity’ is that sometimes people are silly enough to invite you to a social event.
The nice people at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (you can follow them on Twitter @QPAC) invited me to the opening night of Eurobeat The Musical.
Basically, Eurobeat The Musical is a play modelled on the Eurovision Song Contest. It includes are number of ‘acts’ from different countries, and consists of songs that range from listenable to cringe worthy, but in an entertaining sense.
For example imagine a three piece boy band dancing in Mankinis, in conjunction with suggestive lyrics and hand movements. That was my favourite act from ‘Poland’.
Actually, I couldn’t tell the difference between the acts in Eurobeat The Musical and those featured in the Eurovision Song Contest. I almost thought the musical directors had especially brought over the original Eurovision Song Contest contestants themselves!
For example, here are some of the striking similarities that I observed when watching the play:
- The two hosts were from a country that involved some sort of Eastern European accent (in this case, Bosnian)
- The Irish entrant was a guy wearing a green suit belting out a sing along ballad

- Boy bands were prevalent – (Poland and Russia).
- The female host changes her dress between every act
- The German act was a bizarre abstract electronic 3 piece that made no sense

- Most of the female acts wore skimpy clothing – no make that probably underwear.
- There was at least one act that wore their traditional country’s dress (Hungary)
- The Swedish Act looked like ABBA
- The United Kingdom act was a couple singing some soppy love song. They also finished last, which is true to form.
There were also some clever names for the acts. For example, the Russian entrant was called the KG Boyz.
Votes were cast via SMS to determine the eventual winner – just like the Eurovision Song Contest.
Even the voting stage of Eurobeat The Musical was a complete Doppelganger! There were ‘live crossovers’ to the different European countries and their mentally insane hosts, detailing how their country had voted.
The audience are even given plastic clappers and flags to cheer on their nominated country, adding to the experience!
Anyway, I enjoyed the play as some light entertainment, and thanks once again to QPAC for inviting me along!
You can check out more of Eurobeat The Musical at the official website. You can even follow Eurobeat The Musical on Twitter.
For more musical posts, check out visiting the Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust album cover location, and the story behind the Rage Against The Machine album cover.
This Eurovision song contest seems a vital platform for new singers. I like to see such reality shows.
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For some reason Eurovision is of less interest for me than several years ago. Maybe because now it is not the best singer contest, but the best show contest – those are different. Lordi is a good example of show, not song IMHO.