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Ethical Computer Hacking Course – Outrageous Travel Photo

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Ethical Computer Hacking – As Opposed to Unethical Hacking!

Today I have another Funny Travel Photo from Nomadic Samuel. Say hi to @NomadicSamuel on Twitter. He previously sent me one about the Korean Urinal Sign. Anyway, Sam spotted this completely bizarre Ethical Computer Hacking Course sign in Amristar, in India.

WTF! This blew my mind upon first look!

Ethical Computer Hacking India

So What Would You Learn In an ‘Ethical Computer Hacking’ Course?

Well, I’m guessing that once you managed to hack into someones back account, the Ethical Computer Hacker would deposit a substantial amount of money instead of siphoning it off into your own collection of funds!

They might even hack into your email account and delete your spam for you! Nice chappies they would be!

And judging by the sign, one could also supplement their curriculum by learning the guitar or violin at the same time! Sounds like a match made in heaven to me!

However, enough of my silly ranting and raving. No seriously, such a profession exists. Apparently, an Ethical Computer Hacker is employed to use nasty hacker methods for the purpose of finding and fixing computer security vulnerabilities in the computer systems that are essential for everything, including banking, software systems, and anything else that is digital – which is pretty much everything these days.

So we all actually need Ethical Computer Hackers! They can save the world! Just imagine if your phone or computer crashed every single day because there were no Ethical Computer Hackers to test out the viruses and trojans that may bring down the entire world with a single key stroke!

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Still, on first read, it’s a pretty funny sign! It’s bit like seeing a sign that says ‘Ethical Drug Dealing’. It doesn’t quite gel on the first read!

More Ethical Computer Hacking Stuff

If there is such a thing like Ethical Computer Hacking, check out Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hackers Handbook, 3rd Edition.

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