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Entirely Kiwi World Famous Blog Job – I’m Shortlisted!

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Entirely Kiwi Bro!

Holy crap! You may have heard of the Entirely Kiwi World Famous Promotion that was on recently.

Basically they were looking to shout someone a trip around New Zealand for 3 months, all expenses paid. These guys run all sorts of trips and tours in New Zealand. And it looks like they are after someone to promote a country that is the furtherest away from everywhere else in the world!

Entirely Kiwi World Famous Blog Job Competition. New Zealand Tours

I’ve been to New Zealand a few times beforehand, and it’s nice to visit. They may all talk a bit funny, but they’re a friendly mob over there. Even if most of New Zealand does live in Australia ;P

It’s kind of like ‘The Best Job In The World’ but with lots more sheep and less sun!

Yes, it’s the second best job in the world….

In return, the winning candidate has to do all sorts of fun things in New Zealand, such as bungy jump, have great NZ wines, and other strenuous activities that will probably burst all of your adrenal glands. Sounds like a lot of fun to me!

Say Hi to Entirely Kiwi

Vanessa (@EntirelyKiwi on Twitter) sent me an email today informing me that I have been selected as 1 of 10 candidates to score a 3 month Blogging junket around New Zealand as part of the Entirely Kiwi World Famous Promotion!

Out of the 10 shortlisted candidates, I need to be in the Top 3 most followed blogs to progress to the next stage – where Entirely Kiwi will select a winner.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Things To Do and Don't In Wellington, New Zealand!

Anyway I would definitely appreciate your follow to help me get over the line – so, have a look here at my blog at Entirely World Famous and click on Follow!

Fingers Crossed! I’ll even wear an All Blacks jumper for three months if I am selected! Now that’s really sacrificing a lot, considering I am Australian!


Anthony, The Travel Tart

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2 thoughts on “Entirely Kiwi World Famous Blog Job – I’m Shortlisted!”

  1. Avatar Of Bethany

    Wow – Congrats! That must be such a great feeling! Well I’m following you now so good luck. 🙂
    .-= Bethany´s last blog ..A true Beers and Beans event (Well almost…) =-.

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