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Elvis Presley Is Alive! At The Dish in Parkes, New South Wales, Australia!

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You wouldn’t think of it, but one of the world’s most favourite cultural icons ever – Elvis Presley – lives in a Parkes Shire, just up the road from the Shire of Bland!

Parkes would probably have the highest concentration of Elvis Presley impersonators outside of Las Vegas!

Elvis Is Alive! The Elvis Parkes Festival In New South Wales, Australia
Thanks very much ma’am!

That’s because the town is host to the annual Parkes Elvis Festival, which is an annual event held in January of each year!

This is where close to 1000 Elvis Presley impersonators come to town to celebrate all things Elvis!

I recently interviewed Elvis (well, someone who sort of looks like him) at the Parkes Radio Telescope. You might recognise this important technological marvel from the famous movie called The Dish, which is the funny behind the scenes story of how this essential piece of curved metal was instrumental in receiving communications from the Apollo 11 mission to the moon – where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon.

Elvis Presley Is Alive

Anyway, back to Elvis! If you visit the Henry Parkes Centre in town, you will come across a unique collection of genuine Elvis memorabilia – with some of it leaning towards the ‘out-there’ side. This collection is owned by Greg Page – who used to be one of The Wiggles. He’s a big Elvis fan, and he collected all sorts of Elvis stuff like clothing, jewellery and furniture owned and worn by Elvis.

For example – his marriage certificate signed by his groomsmen.

Elvis And Priscilla Marriage Certificate

An astrological chart especially made for Elvis himself!

Elvis Astrology Chart

And believe it or not, roses from on top of his coffin.

Elvis Presley Coffin Rose

Even a copy of his death certificate for those who have a morbid obsession with him!

Elvis Presley Death Certificate

There’s even the famous shirt that he wore in the Jailhouse Rock clip.

Jailhouse Rock Movie - Shirt

My Elvis Presley Interview…

Here is what Elvis has to say about the Parkes Elvis Festival.

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So there you go. If you’re an Elvis Fan, it looks like Parkes must be close to the top of your list before you kick the bucket!

Thanks very much m’am!

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