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Elderly Sign – Funny Travel Photo from Elim, South Africa

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Elderly Sign – Watch Out!

The Elderly Sign is this week’s Funny Travel Photo.  With the FIFA World Cup of Football about to start (check out my post on the Funny and Offbeat Attractions of Competing Nations), here’s one from South Africa. I can imagine this event is going to be a month long party for the locals and all the visitors alike! I’m keen as to attend a World Cup one day, I think it would be complete madness and debauchery!

Anyway, back to the Elderly Sign Photo. This one was sent to me by Jeff Jung from Career Break Secrets. He has previously sent me some hilarious and outrageous funny travel photos like the Mary, Jesus and Joseph scene and Product Placement in Colombia.

Jeff says – The Elderly Sign is from a town called Elim, in South Africa.   The town has an interesting history and was set up in the early 1800s as a missionary town.  It’s basically a one road town with no stop lights with hardly any traffic at all.

But, clearly the Elderly need to watch out. There was obviously a reason why this sign was erected in the first place.

Elderly Sign &Amp; Crossing - Funny Travel Photo

I’m guessing this is because minibus taxi drivers from Southern Africa made my list of the Worst Drivers in The World! These kamikaze forms of transport are usually trying to break the land speed record when they are finally full and end up hurtling you from Point A to Point B as fast as is humanly and physically possible.

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Hence, I think that’s why this sign has been erected – you never know when one of these beasts is going to mow you down!

More Elderly Sign Stuff

Maybe there also needs to be a Beware of Retirees Sign erected!

Anyway, enjoy the Elderly Sign and maybe you should show this one to your grandparents!

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6 thoughts on “Elderly Sign – Funny Travel Photo from Elim, South Africa”

  1. Avatar Of Devin

    Funny! I think the first time I have seen the like. Although I have seen caution “surfer” signs in Encinitas, CA

  2. Avatar Of James

    The man illustrated on the sign doesn’t look that old, perhaps they should have shown him with a walking stick? I’ve seen a similar sign which said ‘Caution: Elderly people crossing’. Which I always misread as watch out for elderly people getting cross!

  3. Avatar Of Luxury Safari Holiday

    I think maybe they should have had the image on the sign
    bending over a little bit – he doesn’t look that elderly. And maybe with a stick or a zimmer frame or something. But if that town is as you describe – one road and no lights – it’s not just the elderly who need to be careful is it lol

  4. Avatar Of Bytes Land

    I’m guessing this is because minibus taxi drivers from Southern Africa made my list of the Worst Drivers in The World!))) You are so right!

  5. Avatar Of Carla

    Hmmmmm … Give way to Elderley doing Zumba hey! That aged person has the gait of a 30 something year old!! Yes, zimmerframe needed I think!

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