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Efes Pilsen – A nice beer, but the worst bottle for your standard stubbie cooler

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Efes Pilsen Beer Bottle = Oversized!

Most people who travel to Australia marvel at the invention that is the Stubbie Cooler. These are typically made of wetsuit-like material that is used to keep your beer cold longer, whilst making it comfortable to hold without obtaining frostbite when you are trying to quench your thirst.  Most standard beer bottles will fit into one of these coolers – except for one. Efes Pilsen is a Turkish Beer – and quite a nice drop.  It’s nice to have one after you’ve finished haggling for a carpet.  It’s a light, pale kind of beer which is nice on a very hot day.

Unfortunately, Efes Pilsen is usually contained in a 500 ml bottle that is way too wide for any Stubbie Cooler, hence, one has to drink it faster before it warms up and it feels like you are only drinking the dregs that are left.

The Efes Pilsen Beer Bottle

I’ve included a picture of a 500 ml Efes bottle on top of one of my dodgy standard stubbie coolers that I have at home below for comparison. See how it is way too wide for the stubbie cooler? (Sorry to my New Zealand friends! – if I still have any!)


However, the silver lining for this problem is that I guess there is an emerging market out there for an enterprising individual to produce Efes Pilsen-fitting stubbie coolers! Necessity is the mother of invention, so maybe I should have a crack at creating a flood of Efes Stubbie coolers and become a very rich man.. maybe!

You could use it in conjunction with this ‘Buy Me A Beer, I’m Turkish’ T-Shirt. Hmm, that might be a little bit daggy actually!

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More Efes Pilsen Stuff

Check out more at Beverage Companies of Turkey: Beer and Breweries in Turkey.Ir?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=As2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1158731418 | Turkey Travel Blog | Efes Pilsen - A Nice Beer, But The Worst Bottle For Your Standard Stubbie Cooler | Beer, Efes Basket, Efes Blues, Efes Pilsen, Funny Travel, Istanbul, Offbeat Travel, Pils, Pilsen Malt, Stubbie Cooler, Travel Blogs, Turkey, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Well, Efes is the dominant player in the Turkish market, and that’s pretty much all you can drink there for most of the time – but that’s not such a bad thing!

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7 thoughts on “Efes Pilsen – A nice beer, but the worst bottle for your standard stubbie cooler”

  1. Avatar Of Onur

    hi there,

    as a beer fan, i think this is a very usefull info for other travellers. I am trying to put up a website about turkey.
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  2. Avatar Of Nick

    Hi Tart,
    I have a cooler for Efes beer bottles I picked it up in Turkey Anzac Day 2000! The problem it only fits Efes Beer!

  3. Avatar Of Sydney Electrician
    sydney electrician

    I’d like to try this beer. I wonder I where can I get a six pack of Efes beer bottle here in Sydney? Do they even sell this beer in Australia?

  4. Avatar Of Business Cards

    Who knew that Turkey of all places was the stop to get a good beer? LOL Thanks for the heads up. And by the way, I find it very sad that you have to drink it faster than you would like to. 🙁

  5. Avatar Of Jim At Moippai
    Jim at MoIppai

    I had this Turkish beer recently in Japan and was pretty impressed with it (it came in a more stubbie cooler friendly bottle too).

  6. Avatar Of Villas In Tenerife South
    villas in tenerife south

    Sucks having a cooler than only cools 1 brand of beer, but i suspose it antoher way for them to amke money :).

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