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Eco Park, Fiji – Where A Species Survival Depends on Tourism

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Eco Park – A Vital Link

The Kula Eco Park is located on the Coral Coast section of Fiji.  It’s a good excuse to get out of the resort and have a look around the displays of Fijian wildlife, which mainly consists of numerous native birds and lizards.

The Kula Eco Park takes its name from the Fijian national bird, the Kula – here is a photo of one below:

Kula Eco Park Red Musk Parrot | Fiji Travel Blog | Eco Park, Fiji - Where A Species Survival Depends On Tourism | Coral Coast, Eco Park, Endangered Species, Fiji, Fiji Crested Iguana, Funny Travel, Kula Eco Park, Offbeat Travel, Tourism, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Kula Eco Park is a good place to check out some of the native Fiji wildlife.  Such as the snakes which have been almost wiped out by the introduction of mongoose from Africa in the 1800s.

However the Kula Eco Park is much more than a place to see animals.

It’s also the only place in Fiji that provides a captive breeding program for the endangered Fiji Crested Iguana.

Most wild Fiji Crested Iguanas are located on Yadua Taba island.  The only captive population is housed at the Kula Eco Park, and is the only insurance policy for this species if something wipes out the wild population.

Kula Eco Park Photos

Eco Park Kula Fijian Crested Iguana | Fiji Travel Blog | Eco Park, Fiji - Where A Species Survival Depends On Tourism | Coral Coast, Eco Park, Endangered Species, Fiji, Fiji Crested Iguana, Funny Travel, Kula Eco Park, Offbeat Travel, Tourism, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

However, the Kula Eco Park receives no government funding whatsoever – and is solely funded by tourism: money only comes from visitors who enter the park to enjoy the surrounds.

So, no tourism = no funding = no captive breeding program for the iguanas.

Kula Eco Park Fiji Banded Iguana And Fiji Crested Iguana | Fiji Travel Blog | Eco Park, Fiji - Where A Species Survival Depends On Tourism | Coral Coast, Eco Park, Endangered Species, Fiji, Fiji Crested Iguana, Funny Travel, Kula Eco Park, Offbeat Travel, Tourism, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Kula Eco Park also provides free environmental education to Fijian schools who wish to visit – in fact, they often pay for the transport to and from there.

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Anyway, it’s worth checking out the Kula Eco Park just to contribute to the iguana contingency plan alone!

More Eco Park Stuff

You can check out more at Wildlife Guide: Fiji.

Thanks to Kula Eco Park and Tourism Fiji for organising my visit there!

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6 thoughts on “Eco Park, Fiji – Where A Species Survival Depends on Tourism”

  1. Avatar Of Thomas

    Sound like a win – win situation, you get to see some amazing wildlife (I love Iguanas, they’re like mini dinosaurs!) and your entry fee helps them to keep doing fantastic work.
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..Household Savings Ratio Drops =-.

  2. Avatar Of Scottish Self Catering
    Scottish Self Catering

    That’s great to hear that there is a pace where these endangered animals get a chance to grow and build their species and you are able to entice the tourists. It’s like Thomas mentioned a win-win situation. Everyone are at a benefit.

  3. Avatar Of Bibadibb

    It’s a good point you make. Tourism and zoo’s if managed well can both help to protect the environment and dangered species.

  4. Avatar Of Guy Kalti

    We have to find more possibilities to help save our earth. Great learning about this.

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