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Eating Dog Head – Straight From The Supermarket!

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Today, I’ve got a pretty squeamish travel photo from Jeff. When Jeff isn’t taking pictures of dead things, he’s a full-time solo traveller and owner of You Vs. The Globe!

You can read more about him here.

As an introduction to this post, one of the joys of travelling overseas is to see how people live and what they eat. A lot of the time, this may clash with what you’re used to, and often your western values.

For example, when it comes to food. We have a sanitised version of meat in the western world. We just turn up to a supermarket and expect it to be in the cuts that we want it to be, all packaged up in clean plastic.

We don’t really think about how it got there in the first place. It takes a long process for your meat to reach your plate from the paddock.

Here is an example – it’s fine for us to buy beef in the refrigerated part of the supermarket. But in some other parts of the world, eating beef is a no no (a sacred cow so to speak).

The same might apply to us. Animals that we often see as pets, might often be seen as a food source because that’s just the way it is.

Other unusual foods that I’ve tried, and haven’t been game to try include the following gut wrenching dishes:

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So this brings me back to today’s photo.

When you travel overseas, you might come across food that you might necessarily see as a pet! That is, a dog, cat, or even something else.

Now, you may think it’s wrong – but this is a normal part of the local diet.

Hey, I don’t necessarily agree either – but this is the way it is, and you have to respect it, whether you like it or not.

Having said that, if you like dogs, stop reading now!

Anyway, more from Jeff below.

Think you’re well travelled? Call yourself a foodie?

Wanna try something a bit different?

Vegans look away…

Dog Head

Check out this delicious roasted DOG HEAD!

Those who have travelled through some Asian counties might have seen something like this at a market hanging off a butchers hook.

But this doggie delectable was shrink-wrapped next to the cheese and milk in the fridge in a swanky supermarket!

Eating Dog Head – Straight from the Supermarket!

Eating Dog Asia

Imagine serving that up on for a Sunday roast!

Blow torched honey roast canine head anyone?

Jeff spotted this during a boozy adventure of Vietnam’s Best Beaches back in 2014!

(The Travel Tart).

Now I’m feeling a bit sick.

I’m pretty game when it comes to trying with foods, but if I came across this one, I’d give it a miss!

If you’ve been brave (or foolish!) enough to try eating dog head, let me know what it tastes like.

More stuff about Vietnam

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travelling in Vietnam - via Buffalo Rides

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5 thoughts on “Eating Dog Head – Straight From The Supermarket!”

  1. Avatar Of Jeff @ You Vs The Globe
    Jeff @ You vs The Globe

    Agghh! God I was disgusted when I saw this thing.
    My mate was daring me to try it… No way!!! 😉

  2. Avatar Of Leng

    Dog isn’t an everyday food in Vietnam, I think most Vietnamese people try eating dog at least once. However it was one thing I did not try, this custom is fading in my country, and I hope, will disappears soon, since now all kind of meat are plenty.

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