Apart from underwear, I think Duct Tape should be an essential item that every traveller should stuff into their backpack. This essential invention has been used to repair pretty much anything that is broken.
It’s versatility is unquestioned! It’s so strong, that it will hold anything together but it’s so easy to tear off the roll so you can fix anything very quickly.
I’ve fixed up heaps of things with duct tape, such as a chair to stop it from falling apart and anything else that requires two things to be held together.
But what if you could fix something a lot bigger? Like a plane?
Enough to make the Mile High Club an option?
How to fix a plane with Duct Tape!
These crazy images were sent to me in an email. Not sure if they’re legit or not, but like in Mythbusters, I find the notion of repairing a plane with duct tape very plausible! If you know where these images came from, let me know so you can shed some light for the world!
Check this out – looks like the plane has been damaged by something, like a large animal – possibly a bear. Or maybe by some bad weather.
Who knows! It doesn’t matter how the plane was trashed, as long as there is something available to fix it!

Yep, the other side looks cactus too. It’s going to need a big repair job.

Looks like this plane seems more at home in the aviation scrap yard, not for actual service!

Yep, it looks very ordinary.

But wait, there’s nothing like having a few (hundred) rolls of the super silver stuff to patch things together. We’re almost there!

And voila, you have a fuselage re-constructed only using duct tape. It’s actually probably stronger than the original materials of the plane!

I can’t see the airlines with impeccable safety records adapting this kind of maintenance procedure any time soon, but hey, if you’re stuck in a sticky situation, why not give this repair technique a go!
Who knows if this Frankenstein light plane ever made it back into the sky, but you just never know!
Maybe the Mythbusters guys need to test to see if this actually works!
Even if I was stranded on an island I think I’d take my chances swimming back.
Ha ha, me too!