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Dublin Airport Flight Doodles… Literally, at the RyanAir Terminal!

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Anyone who has travelled to Ireland knows that the Irish have a great sense of  humour (check out my list of Irish Slang!). I just love going there and turning up to a pub to down a hearty pint of stout, waiting to strike up a conversation with one of the locals and just muck about a bit.

Dublin is one of my favourite cities, and I like criss-crossing the River Liffey to lose myself down the streets to see what friendly faces I might come across.

Bridge Over River Liffey Dublin

I find Irish and Australian humour to be fairly similar – where you don’t take anything too seriously, and there’s nothing like taking the piss to have a bit of fun.

I’d go back to Ireland any day! Someone take me there now!

Temple Bar Dublin

Of course, many people arrive into Dublin via air, of which, loads fly in the the Irish low cost carrier, Ryan Air. They’ve copped a bit of flak in the past for all sorts of things, including a proposal (not sure it this was real or a joke!) to have people stand up on their planes for their flights.

I’ve flown with them a couple of times, and haven’t had any dramas with them – the flights I took went smoothly, which is all you really want when going from Point A to Point B. I didn’t end up with my fingernails embedded in the armrest, like the trip I did on a barely airworthy Russian Plane where I almost swore in Russian!

But anyway, back to the Irish. It looks like the Irish quirky sense of humour is possessed by the ground crew of Ryan Air at Dublin Airport! Just like their colleagues at Kululu Air in South Africa!

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I’ve never been one, but I would say that being a baggage handler and/or other ground crew must have it days. I mean, there are only so many ways you can load and unload a plane! And a lot of the time, it might be searing hot, pissing down from a great height, or freezing cold!

There would be days where you just wouldn’t want to walk out onto the tarmac! Which means that gives one loads of time to think up of some funny practical jokes!

But, imagine if you’re waiting for your low cost flight to somewhere warm in the middle of winder, and all of a sudden you spot this:

Doodles at Dublin Airport!

Dublin Airport Planes - Ryanair Terminal Jokes

Yes, that’s taking bored at work to a new level! An amazing piece artwork!

This happened in early 2015 when it was a freezing cold winter in Europe, and it must have been a tad ordinary working outdoors at this time of year!

Obviously, the ground crew were killing a bit of time and wanted to keep themselves amused by practicing what they learnt in art class by transforming the snow covered tarmac with this amusing illustration!

Of course, it’s not as if anyone was not going to notice, with the multitude of smart phones and cameras that are flooding the world today. And of course, it was only a matter of time before this image became viral on social media!

However, I’m not sure what was funnier – the actual drawing itself, or the official Ryan Air response to the ‘incident’!

A spokesman for Ryanair said: “While our ground crew excel at industry leading 25-minute turnarounds, art isn’t their forte, as they’ve clearly forgotten to draw wings on their snow airplane.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Ryan Air - 10 Potential Benefits of Standing Up On Their Planes

I wonder if the PR rep for Ryan Air or the ground crew received a ‘raise’ after this?

Boom Boom… 🙂

Ha ha! Gold! You’ve got to love a company that has a sense of humour!

For more doodly stuff, check out:

Still bored? Then I’ve got lots of silly airport stuff at:

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