It’s funny sign time again! And it’s about providing advice on whether you should talk on your cell phone during a thunderstorm!
Today, this one was sent to me from Rod and Janette from Christchurch in New Zealand, who sent me the funny Chinese Toilet Sign. They came across me in a interview on and kindly sent me a few pics which I thought I’d share with the world just to clog up the internet with just a little bit more useless stuff!
Actually, this one is pretty good advice – if you were actually talking on a phone with a cord that was plugged into the wall.
You know, back in the old days, where you actually couldn’t move around if you were talking to someone on the phone! These were the days were you wouldn’t dream of chatting to your bestie when the lightning strikes could travel through the phone lines and blow your ear off!
But these days, everyone has gone mobile or cordless. The Laws of Physics say that it’s highly unlikely that you would experience a shock simply by talking on a mobile phone when the sky is lit up outside!
On the same hand, if you’re silly enough to be outside when the bolts are smashing around the place, it doesn’t matter if you’re on the phone or not! A few million volts won’t care if you have one or not when they hit your body!
Anyway, here is the sign!
Funny Advice Signs – Don’t Talk On The Phone When There’s a Thunderstorm!
Make sure that your phone isn’t speaking when the thunderclap hits!

However, I’ll put myself in the translators shoes.
If I tried to translate ‘speaking into your phone during a thunderstorm is strictly prohibited’ from English to Chinese, it would most likely come out as ‘Thunderstorm Speaking is Prohibited when Cell Phone is Cracking’, or something even worse than that!
Anyway, if you’ve got more weird, bizarre, or funny signs like this, drop me a line and I’ll feature them!
Didn’t know that was dangerous … thanks for looking out for me, China!
Seriously? I didn’t know that was dangerous too. Thanks for the alarm. I’ll bear this in mind. Thanks
I think it’s fine, but I’m not willing to try it anyway!
I saw some slight variations in China along the Great Wall. I have the photo buried somewhere in my files. Supposedly using a cell phone during a thunderstorm can attract lightning. No idea if this is true.
I don’t think it is, but I really don’t want to find out if it’s true!