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Disneyland Rides and Attractions – How They Work!

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I managed to check out the massive money making machine Disneyland is recently, and all of the Disneyland Rides and Attractions. I was completely gobsmacked at how massive this financial beast was.

It probably didn’t help that I went on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day, as the Disneyland Park was chocka block (that is, packed) full of people and kids. I’ve never seen so many strollers in one place in my life.

Strollers At Disneyland

But the side effect of these people hordes is that the line up for anything is usually about an hour for any of the Disneyland Rides and Attractions.

No joke. Check out this photograph I took of the sign near where people can have their photo taken with Mickey Mouse.

60 frickin’ minutes to wait for the privilege of sitting on Mickey’s lap!

Mickey Mouse House Disneyland

This is just the beginning. What I found most fascinating were how Disneyland Rides work based on what I saw there – basically, an extremely clever production line to ensure the maximum fleecing of one’s pockets of any cash, or wear down the imprint on your credit card. And that’s before you get to experience Asimo the Robot or The Future of Travel at Tomorrowland.

Disneyland Rides and Attractions – An Awesome Money Making Machine!

Anyway, this is how Disneyland Rides Work:

Step One – Stand in line for around 60 minutes before you have the chance to go on the ride. Hope to god you don’t feel the urge to relieve nature’s call.

Disneyland Attractions

Step Two – Undertake the Ride of choice – and hope that it doesn’t break down. Unfortunately, the Winnie the Pooh Ride I went on broke down because it was ‘stuck in honey’, which I assume was the under 5 years of age version!

Disneyland Rides

Step Three – Finish the ride experience by walking through the gift shop located immediately in front of the ride exit.

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Step Four – buy all of the overpriced, overseas manufactured merchandise that your kids want.

Disneyland Gift Shop

Step Five – have your phone ready to dial 911 when the credit bill comes in.

That’s it!

This Disneyland Ride scenario made me look at Disney like a massive empire! It’s frickin capitalism on steroids!

More Disneyland Rides and Attractions Stuff

So if you feel like checking out some Disneyland Rides, now you know how they work!

Check out more at The Disneyland Encyclopedia: The Unofficial, Unauthorized, and Unprecedented History of Every Land, Attraction, Restaurant, Shop, and Event in the Original Magic Kingdom

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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8 thoughts on “Disneyland Rides and Attractions – How They Work!”

  1. Avatar Of John Garrity

    Let me see if I got this right: You “discovered” that Disney is a huge corporation with millions of shareholders and that it is in business to actually make money? If this was a surprise to you, you really have been living in Fantasyland. 🙂 By the way, might I suggest that a little research before you go would provide you with dates when the park is much less crowded and a lot more enjoyable — try it — you might even like it.

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      On no, I’ve just woken up…. Unfortunately, my timing wasn’t crash hot by going on Black Friday, but I want to check out the DCA across the road. Still impressed by the massive financial beast!

      1. Avatar Of Kyle

        Judging by you’re response John it sounds like all you care to do is complain instead of better managing you’re time.

        I really do feel sorry for you but it’s you’re loss that you choose to travel in the most busiest time instead of playing a year ahead income wise and taking time off of work to go shoulder season.

        It is a LOT different in shoulder season.

      2. Avatar Of Kyle

        Oops I got it all wrong! That’s what happens when I type while being tired and on pain killers for neck pain. 🙁

        Life hates me. 🙁

        I meant to say based on you’re response to John who offered VALUABLE advice it seems all you care to do is complain instead of actually better managing you’re time and treating that trip as a lesson on how to NOT plan you’re Disneyland Vacation with you’re kids.

  2. Avatar Of Villa Curacao

    Wow, 60 minutes to take a picture with Mickey Mouse? I think that’s really hilarious. For Disney it’s a cash machine, but for the people who are visiting it’s kind of a waste of many. Although the park is really great!

  3. Avatar Of Jaz

    I love Disneyland and try to visit when I can I like to plan ahead so that i dont waste a whole day waiting to get on the rides I visit for ride reviews and for info on fastpass options and height requirements I also avoid going during the summer or Christmas break because of the large crowds.

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