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Digital Camera Competition Winner for Low Cost Holidays and Go Snap Happy

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Well, I’ve had a look through a heap of Funny Travel Photos that were uploaded by many travellers with a sense of humour as part of the Win A Camera Promotion called the Go Snap Happy Digital Camera Competition!

The Go Snap Happy competition was hosted by holidays in Tenerife with

It was a huge success with nearly 200 entries on Facebook and Twitter! Thank you to everyone that has taken part! I had a hard time trying to choose the Top 3 because I was laughing too much at the silly entries!

Digital Camera Competition – Some Funny Travel Photos!

Anyway, here are the Top 3 Funny Travel Photos that I chose!

1st Prize: Fujifilm Finepix Digital Camera. Amanda Robertson – Cola Drinking Camel

Digital Camera Competition Winner Funny Camel

I was thinking this poor dromedary hasn’t had any sleep for ages because he’s fed a diet of caffeine. This sounds far fetched, but I was wondering if this supercharged camel will be the star of the next big cola company commercials?

2nd Prize: £75 PhotoBox Credits. Abbey Mo Jo Kershaw – Tenerife Drag Queen

Drag Queen In Tenerife

Abbey took this photo of her husband with a Tenerife Drag Queen. What a great catch! If you wonder why your husband ever wants to go on a repeat visit to Tenerife, you know why!

3rd Prize: £25 PhotoBox Credits. Marian Adjei – Drunken Cat

Drunk Cat In Thailand

Was this cat fed a heap of beer, or was the beer bottle unwittingly placed there while it was asleep? Many travellers end up like this on holidays, and maybe their pets follow their owners…

More Competition Stuff are so pleased with how it went that they will be hosting another photo competition in the near future so hold tight and keep an eye out on their competition pages!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travel Films With A Laugh - More Funny Travel Movies

Anyway, congratulations to the Digital Camera Competition winners once again, and enjoy your prizes so you can take/process more Funny Travel Photos.

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2 thoughts on “Digital Camera Competition Winner for Low Cost Holidays and Go Snap Happy”

  1. Avatar Of Weird

    Ha ha, definitely all funny. The guy in the drag queen photo looks like he’s enjoying himself too much!

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