Ahhh selfies. One of my pet hates of mass tourism.
But thanks to the coronavirus and worldwide lockdowns, social distancing measures and travel bans, that’s put a rather abrupt stop for many people taking numerous glamour shots by themselves, or otherwise what I call photographic masturbation!
But before pandemic times, it looked like selfies – especially Dangerous Selfies where people risk their life for the perfect shot to plaster over Instagram – were wearing really, really thin for a number of tourism boards, especially the Department of Tourism in Goa, India.
So much in fact that they introduced strict no selfie zones!
Yay, the No Selfie Zone is the best thing ever!
I think there should be more of these! Just to protect people from themselves!

As with many of the unusual signs I’ve spotted around the world, there’s a good reason for this – Goa has experienced quite a few drownings because people were trying to grab that perfect shot on the rocky coastline – only to be washed away by the sea and the rough waves to their watery deaths.
There is always a reason for everything!
Not that the sign warning of the potential dangers stopped these guys from posing. I’ll give them credit, this isn’t a selfie. But they haven’t got their eye on the ocean either!
Dangerous Selfies? Nah, I’ll be right!

The Goa government brought in these strict, but obviously necessary regulations in 2018 because I’m pretty sure dangerous selfies leading to severe injuries or premature death aren’t probably covered by travel insurance policies!
There is only so much a health system can take!
I’ve seen bans on selfie sticks in butterfly sanctuaries, not because they poke people’s eyes out – but so they don’t wipe out a butterfly and significantly reduce their already very short lifespan.
I guess the selfie is the technological evolution of the tacky tourist photo (think: Leaning Tower of Pisa) where you’ll see the same cliched photo pose today, and every day for years on end.
But COVID-19 has reduced selfie deaths dramatically since people can only take them inside their homes during lockdowns! But taking photos of a bland home interior hasn’t stopped some people from posting iso shots to Instagram…
Oh well. Hopefully there comes a time very soon when these signs will need to serve their purpose again!
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