Unfortunately, Africa always seems to be tagged with the ‘Corruption’ word when referring to their governments. It’s not that other governments in the world aren’t corrupt. I would say every single government in the world has some form of level of corruption, and it’s accepted as one of the facts of life. But sometimes, the Corruption in Africa can reach ridiculous levels when compared to other places.
I have come across a very funny but true definition of what the word ‘politics’ means, because it’s actually made up of two words – “poli” meaning many, and “tics” meaning blood sucking creatures…
To be fair, without governments, there would be total anarchy and no one wants to live through that. Just ask the people of Somalia what that feels like!
But for some reason, the term ‘Corruption In Africa‘ just seems to hang around and it refuses to go away. It’s just that Africa as a terrible reputation when it comes to corrupt, and sometimes, very nasty governments.
For example, there is the Blood Diamonds story, or how about Idi Amin, who was featured in The Last King Of Scotland. There’s a lot more of those heartbreaking stories that litter the African political landscape. But these dodgy governments haven’t quite broken the spirit of most people in Africa.
But there’s the Corruption In Africa Billboard!
However there is a billboard campaign in Malawi that aims to stop the sometimes rampant Corruption In Africa. Check out this sign spotted in the town of Mzuzu, in Malawi, Southern Africa.
I’m guessing there was a need to produce it for some reason, but hey, I like it’s honesty!

I like the tagline, ‘Power All Day, Every Day’. Sounds like the lights aren’t always on in Malawi…
Actually, I was pleased to see a sign that openly acknowledged this!
More Corruption In Africa Stuff
For more info on Corruption In Africa information, check out Africa Development Indicators 2010: Silent and Lethal: How Quiet Corruption Undermines Africa’s Development Efforts and Corruption in Africa: Causes Consequences, and Cleanups.
For more silly posts about Malawi, see
- Best Hardware Store Sign Ever- ‘People Always Complain’..
- Health Worker – Funny Travel Photo from African Hospital
- Child Birth – African Style
- Corruption In Africa. Is it really that obvious?
- Barber Near Me – The House ‘Extension’