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Community Development Projects near Phinda Game Reserve

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Community Development Projects near Phinda

Phinda Private Game Reserve is a bit more than checking out animals. I had a look at some of their Community Development Projects for the surrounding area which are supported by the andBeyond Foundation.

While South Africa hosted an awesome recent FIFA World Cup, it’s still a country of great divides – it’s both First and Third World at the same time.

Unfortunately, things like health and schools still need additional funding apart from the government.

However, once you’ve finished checking out the animals at the Phinda Private Game Reserve, you can opt to see where the funding for andBeyond Foundation’s Community Development Projects goes to.

For example, the Mduku Primary School and Health Clinic. Things that we take for granted, such as teachers and doctors!

The kids below are from the Mduku Primary School.

Community Development

The andBeyond Foundation has provided financial support to the running of the Mduku school.

Kwazulu Natal School

While we take state funded education for granted, seeing a place like Mduku Primary School makes me realise how lucky I am!

My Family

Spelling Games For Kids

This is the Principal who’s pretty happy about his new library, which will soon be full of books.

Principals Office

Health is also a big issue, especially in rural areas. HIV/AIDS is a problem here in South Africa. In fact, it’s one of the worst areas in South Africa in terms of infection rates.

When I visited the Health Clinic, I noticed a dispensary of free condoms that anyone could use if they wanted. But HIV / AIDS is also a cultural issue, so this is always going to be a massive challenge. The construction of this clinic and staff training occurred with help from the andBeyond foundation as well.

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Also, while most of us in the western world take Internet Access for granted, many people are luck to have any access to the web at all.

But the locals can go to a ‘Digital Village’ and learn how to use a computer, and the Internet. There are accredited computer classes provided and the internet is supplied free of charge.

Computer Keyboard Photo

I even spotted a couple of locals using internet while I was there.

Internet Access South Africa

Other projects include Leopard Research and Black Rhino Conservation.

More Community Development Project Stuff

While most people associate Africa with bad news, I was glad to see an African Good News story for once.

Unfortunately, Good News doesn’t make headlines.

If you’re around this area, check out what the Phinda Private Game Reserve Does for the locals with their Community Development Projects.

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3 thoughts on “Community Development Projects near Phinda Game Reserve”

  1. Avatar Of Red Nomad Oz

    That’s so inspiring! It takes so little to make a HUGE difference in these countries – it’s also good to see more publicity about giving gifts (such as chooks, or a goat) to villages rather than the mass craziness of commercial gift giving we call Xmas!!

    Happy travels!!

  2. Avatar Of Natalie

    A country going through a lot of change and it seems like it is stuck in the middle at the moment. I like to think that they are on a road to getting where they want to be. It will take them about twenty years but I believe they have the dedication to get there.

  3. Avatar Of Dawn

    There is a saying “bad news sells” and unfortunately it is true.

    It is wonderful that a private game reserve in also ensuring that the local population is not left behind. I’m sure that encouraging local schools and supporting community development will help everyone in years to come.

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