It’s toilet humour time again!
Yes, a favourite subject of mine and something that makes a regular appearance on this silly travel blog which is one of many clogging up the internet bandwidth!
And this is a toilet that you may need a strong stomach to use!
This one was sent to me by one of my mates who visited the Philippines and has discovered such gems like How To Use Cornflakes with Fish and Chips.
The Malapascua Island Ferry – and it’s ‘Comfort Room’
Anyway, Malapascua Island is in the Philippines and it just looks like one of the gazillion tropical paradises that this country possesses.
I mean have a look at this view – I can imagine way more ‘crappy’ ways to get to the office..

Like most ferries, this form of sea transport has a toilet that is used for relieving natures call, as well as serving as a repository for one’s stomach contents if your guts are prone to sea sickness.
Option 2 is probably a common one!
But this toilet is one with a difference.
Anyway, this is what my friend said: ‘Malapascua Ferry. A bit smaller than the norm but very seaworthy despite appearances. Check out the Comfort Room (filipino name for toilet). Very simple but not very private!’

He’s right there when he’s talking about the privacy! Plus I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near this porcelain altar in the middle of some rough seas!
Anyway, looks like a bucket list item for people who want to try out some of the world’s most out there toilets!
If you’re really bored and feel like checking out some more stupid toilet humour on this silly travel blog, check out the following:
- The rather obvious squat toilet sign
- The humorous how to use a toilet sign
- Don’t flush the ladies things down the toilet
- The ‘No S*$t in the toilet sign‘
- The Modern Toilet Restaurant
- The Korean urinal photo, and
- The House of Curries toilet pic!
It’s nature’s call way of having a bit of fun!
Using this toilet in rough seas would be a challenge!
Especially from both ends!