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Cheeky Monkey – The Balinese Money Thief!

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One thing that’s common at many Tourist Traps around the world is that even the local animals are in on the act of trying to fleece as many tourist dollars off you as possible! Especially when it comes to the Cheeky Monkeys around the place – and I think because they are closely related to us humans, that means that they’re smart enough to get away with almost anything. Including removing your entire travel budget from you! If fact, they’re probably smarter than many humans!

Cheeky Monkeys – Too Smart For Tourists

Sometimes, these primates have learnt over time how to pinch things from unsuspecting tourists – anything from wallets and purses to maybe even the shirt off your back if you’re lucky!

And here is another example – check out this Cheeky Monkey photo that was taken by my friend The Curious Drifter in Bali, Indonesia.

Cheeky Monkey Bali Indonesia

The Cheeky Monkey Explanation

Anyway, he says ‘this is a monkey at Ulu Watu temple in Bali that had stolen a tourists hat. A holy man at the temple tried to trick the monkey into releasing the hat by giving him a supposedly delicious banana, but as you will notice the monkey still has both the hat and the banana :)’

Smart arse! Looks like this monkey is a whole lot smarter than we give him credit for. He’s probably done this trick millions of times and he’s been around the block!

I’ve been to Ulu Watu temple (see my post on Things To Do In Bali) and I can confirm, that you have to be very careful about anything in your pockets when you visit the temple. Some monkeys even try to wrestle large and heavy digital SLR cameras off people!

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Oh well.

Maybe the silly tourists might have more luck obtaining their possessions from these primates if they wore the Cheeky Monkey T-shirt Style Costume for Kids.

Maybe not!

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6 thoughts on “Cheeky Monkey – The Balinese Money Thief!”

  1. Avatar Of Dan @ A Cruising Couple

    It’s true. We got a glimpse of the monkeys at Uluwatu as well as in Ubud during our one month stay in Bali and they are sneaky! They even tried a tag team move on me. While I was taking a photo of one another came from behind and tried to get into my bag. Lucky for me it was zipped up tight and he gave up pretty quick 🙂

  2. Avatar Of Christoffer Moen
    Christoffer Moen

    Hahaha. Make me wonder if they keep a secret stash somewhere of the stuff they nicked over time.

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