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The Cat Man From Vietnam – ‘Pet’ Transport!

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Today I have a completely ‘WTF is that!’ travel photo from Gemma and Craig, who run Two Scots Abroad. Here they are having a great time somewhere out in the big wide world!

Two Scots Abroad

They are downing tools as teacher and tradesman to take a sabbatical and travel The Americas, beginning at SXSW Music Festival.

Hop aboard for the ride at Two Scots Abroad and never miss a tweet through Twitter and you can also catch them on Facebook.

Anyway, their pic is from a trip they undertook to Vietnam. This definitely falls into the ‘masters of transport and logistics’ series of pics I have on this website, which is about loads greatly exceeding the engineering capacity of the vehicles they are transported on!

Other examples I’ve featured from Vietnam include:

Just remember in Asia and other third world places, dietary intakes can be quite different to those in the First World and they have to eat pretty much what is easy and cheap. You won’t too many filet mignons out this way. They may eat animals we consider as pets, but remember, it’s a different culture, so these animals are viewed in the same way we view cattle, sheep, pigs and chicken – as food!

But somehow, I don’t think this guy is going to win any awards from the RSPCA any time soon!

WARNING, this post probably isn’t for the animal lovers out there.

Anyway, here it is!

The Cat Man from Vietnam Story!

As we patiently sit on our minibus travelling from Hanoi towards the port to take us on our Halong Bay Booze Cruise (never again), this man pops into our peripheral.

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Cat Man

There was me, innocently gazing at the workers manning the fields and I’m hit with a man on a moped which is carrying…. a bag of dead kittens AND a cage of alive ones. Look at those eyes, they are boring into my soul- save me!

Cat Transport Services

We share our horror with our Vietnamese friend, Nhung, she advises us that in rural Vietnam ‘cats for snacks’ is still common but reassures us that city folk frown upon it. She has tasted dog though, and liked it.

The Travel Tart: I’d like trying all sorts of food, even the completely bizarre, but I’d find it hard to eat something that I’ve had as a pet!

But, that’s the way it is.

More Vietnamese Posts:

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8 thoughts on “The Cat Man From Vietnam – ‘Pet’ Transport!”

  1. Avatar Of Nam

    As a Vietnamese, thank you for not judging It. Eating cats and dogs are unbearable for me too. But that’s what Vietnamese did to survive in the wars. We’re changing that thought, but not that fast 😀

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