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Carry On Luggage Weight Limits – The Human Version!

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Here’s a quirky version of Carry On Luggage Limits!

There’s nothing like turning up to the airport with your check in luggage bursting at the seams, and thinking that you could just get away with a tiny bit more, you stuff your carry on luggage with all sorts of crap to see if you can get away with more weight than you’re entitled to.

Have you been the unlucky bugger that’s walked onto the plane, only to find that you can’t fit your tiny backpack in the overhead lockers because everyone else has taken on three pieces each?

Yes, that’s happened to me plenty of times and it drives me bonkers!

However, these overhead luggage hogs wouldn’t stand a chance on a Solomon Islands flight that I took recently.

They have a couple of small planes on their fleet and they need to minimise the overall weight of the plane, which means if you’re thinking you’ll score a 30 kilogram plus weight limit you’re dreaming!

The planes are small because the airstrips are too and they can only accommodate aircraft of a certain size. Like this Twin Otter plane.

Twin Otter Aircraft | Solomon Islands Travel Blog | Carry On Luggage Weight Limits - The Human Version! | Airlines, Carry On Luggage Weights, Photographs Of Airplanes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Anyway, this unique scene happened when I turned up the the Gizo Airport to take a flight back to the capital of the Solomon Islands, Honiara.

The Nusatupe Airstrip is a bit different to others I’ve been to because it’s not located at Gizo itself, but it’s on a island you need to take a boat trip out to.

Gizo Airport | Solomon Islands Travel Blog | Carry On Luggage Weight Limits - The Human Version! | Airlines, Carry On Luggage Weights, Photographs Of Airplanes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Gizo is worth visiting because of the great diving and the Okay Store!

But you might have to be humble when you get there and leave because of….

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Your own personal Carry On Luggage Limits!

That’s right.

Before you get on the Twin Otter, the airport staff have to weigh you!

That’s right, your carry on baggage, and yourself – have to be weighed on scales before you get anywhere near the plane!

Like this photo below.

Carry On Baggage Limits | Solomon Islands Travel Blog | Carry On Luggage Weight Limits - The Human Version! | Airlines, Carry On Luggage Weights, Photographs Of Airplanes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Unfortunately, if you’re on a diet or thinking about being a contestant on the Biggest Loser, you might be somewhat self conscious about hopping on the scales so that the airline knows how much you weigh!

But hey, the view is so worth it!Solomon Islands Guadacanal | Solomon Islands Travel Blog | Carry On Luggage Weight Limits - The Human Version! | Airlines, Carry On Luggage Weights, Photographs Of Airplanes | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

See more at the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau website!


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