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Camel Racing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Desert Dromedary Debauchery!

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Camel Racing – Piss Funny with Robot Jockeys!

Here is Part Two of Camel Racing in Dubai. The first part concentrated on the remarkable invention that is the Robot Jockey  – basically a motorised remote controlled whipping device that is mounted on the top of camels as part of the camel races at the Dubai Camel Racing Club.

Dubai Camel Races

This post focuses on the Camel Race at the race track itself. Which is something I’ve never witnessed before in my life, and probably won’t ever again! If you are ever in Dubai, it’s worth taking a trek to the outskirts to witness this fantastic event. They usually run in the morning before it gets too hot, and only a couple of times of week.

Camel Racing is big bikkies in Dubai. The races are televised, and there are significant prizes for the winners. Here are a couple of runners going for the finish line! Take note of the teeny weeny robot jockeys.

Camel Racing In Dubai Uae

Camel Racing in Dubai Video

I put together a short video of the Dubai Camel Racing. I loved it! Check out the whipping noise that is generated by the robot jockeys as the camels cross the finish line! It’s impossible to forget it!

What happens is that the camels are released from a barrier, and a convoy of Toyota Landcruiser four wheel drives follows the camels on the outside – that’s because each Landcruiser contains a driver and someone else who is operating the robot jockeys via remote control.


If this event was held in Australia, like the Camel Cup, there would be an all day booze up organised around it!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Camel Cup Racing Carnival in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia - Silly Season!

Most people who stay in Dubai will probably never make it to the Camel Races, but it’s worth the trip out to check out these clumsy looking animals race around the track!

See more at the Definitely Dubai website.

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