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Cafe Culture – The Strangest Cafes In The World

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Like Cafe Culture?

Well, lots of people do, both at home and abroad! Today, I’ve got a list of some of the Strangest Cafes in the World from Lily Evans!

Evans-LilyLily Evans is the founder of SkyWeFly, where she blogs about photographs, stories and travel tips that will help you make a great journey.

She hopes to bring her passion to more people via SkyWeFly.

Here it is! I’m keen to give these all a go!

Cafe Culture – The 10 Quirkiest Cafes in the World

Bizarrely themed cafes have been popping up around the world. A sign reading “café” is no longer enough to get bums on restaurant seats. To draw people in, a café either needs to serve coffee via the waiter’s cupped hand or better still, a concept theme aimed at providing most memorable dining experience in the world. Here are the top strangest cafes in the world.

1. Cabbages and Condoms – Bangkok

Dripping with tongue in cheek humor, Cabbages and Condoms is a two story restaurant that seats over 350 and features walls dotted with kinds of condoms. The light comes from illuminated “condom pom-poms” while a human sized action-figure made entirely of condoms greet every visitor’s arrival. The café owners are certainly aware of the fact that you need something special for someone visiting one of the best beautiful places in the world to take note.


Do not expect to be served with mints after dinner though; instead, the bill will come brought together with condoms. The idea has proved to be so popular that two other cafes bearing the same name have popped up in London.

2. Nekorobi Cat Café – Japan

Eating dinner and petting an animal sure make strange bed-fellows. But in Tokyo where having space for a pet is a luxury few can afford. Nekorobi is an and enchanting cat café located in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro entertainment district that allows you to eat, drink and lounge in the company of cats. You walk through modern glass doors and into dimly lit joints where cats prowl and sprawl out.

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There is a drinks dispenser vending machine where you can get a variety of beverages including coffee, green tea, royal milk tea and instant miso soup – both hot and cold. Check in for dinner and you may just be able to witness the kitties feasting on food in glass food bowls arranged in a circle around a lamp.

At Nekorobi, the cheesecake may come well recommended, but for most tourists and city dwellers, it is the chance to hold a cat that draws them in.

3. Buns and Guns – Beirut, Lebanon

Gobble up your sandwiches while ducking for cover at Lebanon’s war-themed café. Buns and Guns plays pre-recorded gunfire, is decorated with military motifs and serves sandwiches with names like Viper, Torpedo and Typhoon. It looks like people in Lebanon still haven’t had enough of the war!


4. The Blind Café, Zurich, Switzerland

What would you say to the idea of eating while blindfolded? Well, that’s the treat Jorge Spielmann, a blind clergyman from Zurich, has in store when you visit the Blindekun. Customers feast in complete darkness and the staff as are either blind or partially sighted.


While other “blind dining spots’ have cropped up in Europe, this Zurich original is till one to visit. The menu changes on a weekly basis with a 3-way choice between fish, meat or vegetarian. However, as to what you are actually served when you visit, well, that’s the part you will have to guess while sitting I the dark.

5. The Vampire Café – Japan

If you were to search for the wackiest, weirdest, strangest, scariest or spookiest restaurants in japan, the Vampire Café is one of the first places that will come up. This is where you should be if you are looking to sink your teeth into a fiendishly delicious gothic menu.

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The theme is red and bloody with candles, mirrors and tables smeared with blood. For the spooky effect, there is a coffin on a table smack in the middle of the restaurant. And oh, the cafe is only open for dinner… after all, vampires only come out at night.

6. Ithaa Undersea Restaurant – Rangali Island, The Maldives

If you are one of those people who like eating food straight from the sword, try dining on swordfish below the sea. At the world’s first undersea restaurant, you can savor the finest contemporary European cuisine 16 feet below under the sea. Prepare yourself for indulgences such as caviar for dinner while the four course lunch menu offer lighter fare. The restaurant offers 180 degree panoramic views of the vibrant coral gardens surrounding it.


7. Draculas, Melbourne, Australia

This restaurant owes a lot of its popularity on the world’s obsession with witches, werewolves, vampires and the burlesque craze. Dracula offers a cramp, vaudevillian-style cabaret during the three course dinner that begins with drinks served in the Graveyard cocktail lounge and a ghost train ride. The waiting staff, are of course, dressed like vampires.


8. The Disaster Café – Lloret de Mar, Spain

What’s more exhilarating than eating a delicious meal while experiencing a stimulated earthquake? Few things are, but a 7.8 quake is just the experience that Lloret de Mar’s Disaster café was built to provide. According to reviews, the café is so popular that customers need to make reservations in advance in order to get a table. It seems people have a stronger appetite for disaster than previously thought.

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The first odd thing you will notice is that the staff wear construction helmets and carry around a variety of safety equipment. Secondly, you will realize that for some reasons, the dishes are heavier than you would expect. But you probably won’t waste time thinking about all that with all that sumptuous food waiting to be devoured. Then it will happen…

9. Ninja Café – NY

Some of the world’s more creative fusion food is served in a rather strange restaurant. At New York’s Ninja Café, no expense was spared to create an atmosphere that you can only describe as the “Ninja Disneyland.”


You have to go through a secret path with ninjas lurking in the shadows of aces the subterranean eatery where the table is housed inside a dungeon-like bunker. You will definitely love the food, but you will also be surprised at the culinary magic tricks that the “ninja waiters” are capable of performing, such as setting sauces on fire.

10. Twin Stars – Moscow, Russia

If you like chewing Double Mint gum and are an ardent Russel Crowe fan, then you will most likely enjoy dining at Moscow’s Twin Stars – most likely the only restaurant in Russia that exclusively hires identical twins as the waiting staff.


That’s right, anyone who doesn’t have an identity twin who is also interest in waiting table as you try to get your life together is out of luck, can’t get employment at Twin Stars. You can use your Russian Swear Words and get 2 for the price of one!


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2 thoughts on “Cafe Culture – The Strangest Cafes In The World”

  1. Avatar Of Doreen Pendgracs

    Interesting post! Quirky cafes is a cool theme to search out when travelling. The Underseas Cafe in the Maldives and the Cat Cafe in Japan would be my top pics!

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