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Bungy Jumping – Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban, South Africa

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Bungy Jumping – in a World Cup Stadium!

The Big Rush Bungee Swing is located at the Moses Mabidha Stadium in Durban, South Africa. It’s Bungy Jumping that’s a bit different to others.

After South Africa hosted a pretty successful FIFA World Cup in 2010 (see my posts about the Funny Attractions of Competing Countries, Vuvuzelas, and the Funniest Moments), this meant that the country was left with an excellent range of sporting infrastructure that should serve it well for a few decades – and a potential source for new Bungy Jumping thrills.

Instead of being left with numerous white elephants, the stadiums are being transformed into multipurpose venues that should help pay for some of the construction bills. For example, there are plans to use the Moses Mabidha Stadium for soccer, rugby, concerts, and even the odd cricket match here and there.

Bungy Jump - Moses Mabhida Stadium

In between these events however, you can experience the Bungee Jump/swing that is located on the famous arch that is obvious as dog’s balls and defines the stadium, and possibly Durban itself.

A bungee cord is connected to the middle point of the arch, and you can now walk up this steel frame to then throw yourself off a small platform and swing around the Stadium for a few minutes.

I must admit, I was definitely wearing the brown underpants before I took this leap of faith. It’s a bit disconcerting when the wind starts blowing and the rain pisses down from a great height before you start to regret the idea that seemed so good at the time.

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Anyway, here is a video of what it’s like to throw yourself off a perfectly good stadium arch. If you’re ever in Durban, check it out, it’s worth doing!

Bungy Jumping – How To Make a Fool of Yourself!


More Bungy Jumping Stuff

So if you feel like risking your life Bungy Jumping off this stadium, have a crack at it! Also check out Modern Bungy Jumping.


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5 thoughts on “Bungy Jumping – Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban, South Africa”

  1. Avatar Of Hannah Hamilton@ Rolling Garment Bag
    Hannah Hamilton@ Rolling Garment Bag

    Lol I love your blog, you love adventure just like I do, I still dont know If i wanna try THAT 😛 It looks pretty scary even from the video, maybe I’ll have the guts to do it someday. 🙂

  2. Avatar Of Tomholmes1945@Home Bar For Sale
    TomHolmes1945@Home Bar For Sale

    I am quite an adventurous person , I tried bungy jumping a couple of times, but it left me embarrassed.So I stopped it for a while. After watching you here, I feel like trying it again now.:-)

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