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Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas for Travel – The Silliest One Ever!

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51Le5Zqnmnl. Sl250 | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=0789332698 | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog 41Wuftvb5Rl. Sl250 | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B015Igr7Vk | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog 512K9Bee5Rl. Sl250 | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1426219733 | Travel Satire | Ultimate Funny Bucket List Ideas For Travel - The Silliest One Ever! | Bucket List, Bucket List Examples, Bucket List Ideas, Bucket List Meaning, Bucket List Movie, Bucket List Quotes, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Places To See Before You Die, Things To Do Before I Kick The Bucket | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

One big trend in travel blogs is people publicly showing their Bucket Lists for travel – that is, the destinations and experiences around the world they want to indulge in before the breathe their last breath and leave the planet.

This concept was probably made popular by the movie of the same name starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson where these two characters get up to all sorts of crazy stunts before Morgan Freeman’s character passes away from a terminal disease.

Bucket Lists For Travel
Doing sod all on a beach for ages usually makes a lot of Bucket Lists. This beach is in Zanzibar. Not too shabby!

Anyway, that’s fine by me – nothing wrong in having some goals to tick off before kicking the bucket. By the way, take your own bucket list with a grain of salt. Many people assume that they will live to an ‘average age’ of 80 or so (if you’re from a first world country), but half of the population has to die below the average age to create the average life expectancy, and you have no control over when that might be. So you may as well cram in as much as you can whenever you can, because you just never know!

As for me, I don’t have a specific or formal list, but I’m more of the impulsive type that goes after an opportunity that arises to see what great experience can come from it. And that’s why I’ve come across some weird experiences I never thought were possible, and I don’t regret any of them. I reckon if you focus too much on the bucket list, you might just miss a lot of great experiences you’d never thought you might enjoy!

So if you’re after an alternative list of silly travel experiences to adapt into a bucket list of your own, feel free to pirate this stupid list! Some of them are things I’ve written about before on this website, others I’ve just made up!

Here we go!

The Silliest 100 Ideas for a Travel Bucket List Ever!

Vergina Greek Beer
Drink And Drive Ute Full Of Booze
Kadirs Tree Houses Turkey
Penis Enlargement Cream
Funny Syphilis Treatments And Symptoms Sign
Eating Worms - Mopani South Africa
Chicken Head Food
Phallic Food - Geoduck At Seafood International
Chinglish Chinese Food Menu
Australian Gift Souvenirs - Kangaroo Scrotum Coin Pouch
Natural Viagra
Beer Cup Snake - A Plastic Recycling Option At The Cricket
Bitter Beer - Funny Beer Label - My Wifes Bitter
Buy Carpet From Carpet Seller Turkey
  • Complete someone else’s travel bucket list before they do just to annoy them! And finally,
  • Actually complete your bucket list with verifiable proof!
Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  40 Years Old - 40 Birthday Travel Quotes & Lessons

There you go, there is some silly inspiration to chew up a bit more time at work!

Let me know if you complete this bucket list and I’ll think you’re completely crazy!

Make sure you check out some Backpackers Travel Insurance for your Bucket List Trip.

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