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Bill Granger Interview – Celebrity Chef Talk on Food, Recipes and Chicken Sashimi!

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As part of the Crave Sydney International Food Festival, I had a chance to talk to Bill Granger who is an Australian Celebrity Chef who cooks up all sorts of easy recipes from a wide range of cuisines (check out some of his books on Amazon).

He splits his time up these days between living in London and Sydney, and is passionate about food and cooking, which is why he has made it his life. I have watched a couple of his shows, and he concentrates on simple recipes that pretty much anyone can replicate and attempt for some culinary success.

Almost as good as my best lamb roast recipe!

I’m sure bill would like this ‘Even Our Failures Are Edible‘ business card from New Orleans!

Bill is a very approachable and friendly guy and was more than happy to talk to me – as he was to anyone who wanted to talk to him, which included a large number of fans who waited patiently for him to sign their copies of his Cook Books.

Bill Granger Interview - Celebrity Chef

So if you see Bill walking down the street, don’t be afraid to say hello!

Bill Granger Talks about Not So Mainstream Food!

Here is my three minute chat with Bill Granger at Bondi Beach. I even talk about some weird foods that I’ve tried, such as Tea With Egg and Cow’s Nose in Peanut Sauce. I almost ‘convince’ Bill to try some Balut!

Somehow, I don’t think my bizarre and dodgy suggestions are ever going to make the shortlist for one of Bill’s cook books, but I think he had a good laugh at some of the weird food I’ve devoured in some of my travels.

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Thanks mate, most appreciated!

More Bill Granger Stuff

If you’re interested in some of Bill Granger’s books, check out Bill’s Sydney Foodbills open kitchen and Bill’s Everyday Asian. Also check out my chat on the same day with Hayden Quinn.

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