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Big Things in Australia! Check out this list of large Australian roadside icons and tourist attractions!

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If you’re doing a road trip around the Great Southern Land, one thing that you will probably notice (apart from some colourful Australian Slang) are the Big Things In Australia.

51I2 Fdzoul. Sl250 | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Yes, there’s even a book about the Big Things in Australia!

I’m not talking about natural stuff like mountains, lava tubes, the Great Barrier Reef, or even bogans.

I mean the large constructions of various animals, fruit and other miscellaneous objects which are placed around the country as tourist attractions to lure people in to normally buy stuff. You are more or less guaranteed to come across some of these big things at some point in your trip down under!

Here are some examples. Note, I’ll keep updating this list whenever I get the chance to visit each of the Big Things in Australia which keeps the Aussie road trip alive! And an Aussie road trip is always a long one!

Let’s go state by state, anti-clockwise!


Queensland is a major culprit for big things. I know, because I live here. Let’s check them out:

The Big Captain Cook – Cairns

Captain James Cook | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Originally built to lure weary travellers into a now demolished motel, the Big Captain Cook is located just on the outskirts of Cairns and does rather stand out like dog’s testicles when compared to surrounding dwellings.

The Big Crocodile – Normanton

Crocodile Facts - Australias Biggest Crocodile
Photo: from Wikipedia

Most big things are an exaggerated form of animal. But the Big Crocodile in Normanton is life size replica of the biggest saltwater croc found in Australia. Scary. Like, make sure you wear the brown underpants scary.

The Big Gumboot – Tully

Golden Gumboot North Queensland | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

This ageing masterpiece is located in one of the wettest places in Australia and it’s height of over 7 metres pays tribute to a very wet year in Tully. Yes, rainfall here is measured in metres, not millimetres.

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The Big Cattle – Rockhampton

Cow Jokes | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Loads of cattle pass through Rockhampton which is the self declared cattle capital of Australia. Your burger probably once passed through here. You’ll see dozens of large cattle statues around town.

The Big Mango – Bowen

The Big Mango | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

A good excuse to have a break on a long road trip, the Big Mango is a monument to one of the region’s most important fruit crops – the Bowen Mango. One of my favourite fruits, I’d have a crack at eating this one if it was real.

The Big Brisbane Sign – Brisbane

Things To Do In Brisbane Australia | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Brisbane can’t seem to get over that it hosted the G20 once. So much so, this large sign at Southbank has become a permanent fixture. I’m sure you’ve seen it on Instagram somewhere!

Other Big Things in Queensland

OMG, there’s heaps! Check this out!

The Big AppleThulimbah
Big AppleAcacia Ridge
Banana the BullockBanana
Big BananaNorth Mackay
Big KronosaurusRichmond
Big BarrelBundaberg
The Big BarramundiNormanton
The Big BarramundiDaintree
Big Bolt and NutRoma
Big BoomerangsNindigully
The Big Boot / ShoeChermside
The Big BrolgaTownsville
Big Brolgas and SnakeNear Mackay
The Big Cane ToadSarina
The Big CassowaryMission Beach
The Big CockatooMossman
The Big CowKulangoor
Big (Mud) CrabCardwell
Big CrabMiriam Vale
Big CrocodileDaintree
Big CrocodileWangetti
Big Deck ChairWinton
The Big DinosaurBallandean
The Big DugongRockhampton
The Big EaselEmerald
The Big GGracemere
Big Golf BallBroadbeach
The Big GunUnderwood
The Big Hard Rock GuitarSurfers Paradise
The Big Macadamia NutNambour
The Big MandarinMundubbera
Big Map of AustraliaGoondiwindi

New South Wales

Check these out!

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The Big Banana – Coffs Harbour

Whilst most Australian bananas are grown in Queensland, Coffs Harbour decided to pinch this big thing before the northern state did.

Here’s a video still of me in front of it!

The Big Banana Coffs Harbour | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Big Tennis Racquet – Narellan

Big Things Tennis Racquet E1522582449790 | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Big Tennis Racquet pays homage to former Australian tennis champion, Evonne Goolagong who grew up there. You can’t miss it.

The Big Playable Acoustic Guitar – Narrandera

Funny Guitars | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

I like the marketing slogan for this piece which ‘held the world record in 1991‘. It actually works and you can play it, especially if you have large arms and fingers. Worth a look and bonus points if you can strum ‘Stairway to Heaven’.

The Big Tree of Life – Pilliga

Tree Of Life | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Located at Pilliga Pottery, the Tree of Life is an impressive ‘tree’ of broken pieces of pottery stuck together. This would have taken a tonne of work!

Other Big Things in New South Wales

Big AntBroken Hill
Big AppleBatlow
Big AppleYerrinbool
Big AvocadoDuranbah
The Big AxeKew
Big Ayers RockNorth Arm Cove
Big BananaCoffs Harbour
The Big Beer CanCobar
Big BenchBroken Hill
The Big Blue HeelerMuswellbrook
The Big BoganNyngan
Big BowlLake Cathie
Big BullWauchope
Big Bunch of BananasCoffs Harbour
The Big BicycleChullora
Big CheeseBodalla
Big CherriesYoung
Big ChookMoonbi
Big ChookMount Vernon
Big FishManilla
Big Funnel Web SpiderJamberoo
The Big Gold PannerKelso
The Big Gold Pick and PanGrenfell
The Big Golden GuitarTamworth
The Big KnightKnockrow
The Big HammerMudgee
The Big HeadphonesNewcastle
The Big KookaburraKurri Kurri
The Big LambGuyra
The Big MerinoGoulburn
The Big Miner’s LampBowenfels
Big MosquitoHexham
Big Murray CodTocumwal
Big OrangeTenterfield
The Big OysterTaree
The Big Playable GuitarNarrandera
Ploddy the DinosaurSomersby
The Big PegCanowindra
The Big PotatoRobertson
The Big PooKiama
The Big PrawnBallina
Big Rabbit TrapAlbert
The Big RocketMoree
Big Rubik’s CubeMaroubra
The Big SlurpeeCoffs Harbour
The Big SoldierUralla
The Big SpiderUrana
The World’s Biggest SundialSingleton
The Big SwanDunedoo
Big Tennis RacquetBarellan
The Big TroutAdaminaby
The Big TroutOberon
The Big TurtleForster
The Big Ugg BootsThornton
The Big WindmillCoffs Harbour
The Big Wine BarrelHanwood, Griffith
The Big Wine BottlePokolbin
The Big Wine CaskMourquong
The Biggest Smallest TownMullumbimby


Loads here too!

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The Big AbaloneLaverton North
Big AppleBacchus Marsh
Big LizzieRed Cliffs
The Big AppleGladysdale
The Big CherryGlenrowan
Big CigarChurchill
Big Coffee MakerBrunswick
Big CowsNewhaven
Big Dead FishFish Creek
Fairfield Industrial Dog Object (FIDO)Fairfield
The Big FlowerYarra Junction
The Big Golf BallClayton South
Big HensMeredith
Big KoalaCowes
The Giant KoalaDadswells Bridge
Big LizardMarysville
Big Mallee BullBirchip
Big Mallee FowlPatchewollock
Big Mallee RootOuyen
Big MinerBallarat
Big Ned KellyBallarat
Giant Murray CodSwan Hill
Big CherryWyuna
The Big Ned KellyGlenrowan
The Big PheasantTynong
The world’s largest rolling pinWodonga
Big SmokeMyrtleford
Big StrawberryKoonoomoo
Big TapCowes
Big WaveNewhaven
Big Wine BottleRutherglen
Big Wool BalesHamilton
The Giant WormBass
Public PurseMelbourne
Giant Pocket WatchMelbourne

South Australia

The Australian Farmer (also known as the Big Farmer)Wudinna
The Big AntPoochera
The Big BeeKingscote
The Big Bob-tail LizardPort Lincoln
The Big CherriesPages Flat
The Big Church Block BottleMcLaren Vale
The Big CockroachPort Wakefield Rd, Lower Light
The Big DiceBarrier Highway
The Big GalahKimba
The Big HatCradock
The Big KangarooBorder Village
The Big LobsterKingston SE
Map the MinerKapunda
The Big OliveTailem Bend
The Big OrangeBerri
The Big OysterCeduna
The Big PelicanLoxton
Another Big PelicanMeningie
The Big RamKaroonda
The Big Rocking HorseGumeracha
The Big Santa (Father Christmas)Adelaide
The Big ScotsmanMedindie, Adelaide
The Big Teddy BearMinlaton
The Big WinchCoober Pedy
The Big WindmillPenong
The Big WombatBookabie
The Big YabbyClayton

Western Australia

Big AppleDonnybrook
Big BananaCarnarvon
World’s Tallest BinKalgoorlie
Bert Bolle BarometerDenmark
Big BobtailStirk Street, Kalamunda, Perth
The Big CameraMeckering
Cow on the CornerBrunswick Junction
The Big CrocodileWyndham
The Big LobsterDongara
The Big MarronOld Kent River Winery,
The Big MushroomBalingup
Big OrangeHarvey
The Big PrawnLearmonth
The Giant RamWagin
Leeuwin Way WhaleEucla
King NeptuneTwo Rocks, Yanchep
The Big WheelbarrowPort Hedland


Big AppleSpreyton
The Big CherryLatrobe
The Big Coffee PotDeloraine
The Big PenguinPenguin
The Big PlatypusLatrobe
The Big Rock LobsterStanley
The Big Slide RuleUniversity of Tasmania, Hobart
The Big SpudSassafras
The Big Tasmanian DevilMole Creek
The Big Thumbs UpScottsdale
The Big WicketsWestbury

The Big Beer Cup Snake – Various Cricket Grounds

Thebeercupsnake | Australia Travel Blog | Big Things In Australia! Check Out This List Of Large Australian Roadside Icons And Tourist Attractions! | Australian Big Icons, Big Banana, Big Tennis Racquet, Big Things In Australia, Golden Gumboot, List Of Big Things In Australia, The Big Apple, The Big Bull | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Like most events in Australia, a day at the cricket is a thing disguise for a booze up. Robin Williams famously described cricket as like ‘baseball on valium’ and that’s probably why people become board and stick their plastic beer cups together to form a snake!

More Big Things From Australia

I’m only scratching the surface here. There’s craploads more big stuff like this! Stay tuned and come back here more often as I’ll update this page with more big stuff when I lay my eyes on it! I still have quite a few states and territories to go!

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