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‘Best Job In the World’ Competition From Tourism Queensland. My Shonky Entry REJECTED!

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Hmm, the Best Job In The World.

As part of my never ending ambition to find any dubious way of scoring another travel junket, I recently entered a totally dodgy film clip for ‘The  Best Job in the World’ – that is, a ‘caretaker’ at Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays for 6 months.

If you’re one of the thousands considering an application for the Best Job In The World that was created by one of the best viral tourism marketing campaigns ever, then here are some red hot tips on what NOT to do – draw two cartoon characters on a piece of cardboard held up with a stick and provide them with two silly New Zealand accents that sound almost the same.And then wave them in front of the camera at the beach and use dodgy editing techniques. I’ve explained more below.

As part of my quest to become a ‘professional backpacker’, I decided to take a wild punt and submit a shonky application for the Best Job In The World, regardless of how crap it might be.Whilst the chances of winning such a junket are virtually impossible (why would they award it to someone from the home country?), I thought a cool $AUD150K would have been a nice source of income for bumming around on a massive travel blogging junket for 6 months.

Hell, I even have directly related experience thanks to the Pestablogger Trip I went to in Indonesia for a week in November 2008 .

You have to be in it to win it.

That money would last me at least 5 years if I did sod all and went travelling around the world tight-arse style. My version of paradise!

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Anyway, yesterday I received a colourful rejection email from Tourism Queensland stating that my application had, quote, ‘not met the criteria’.A screen dump of the most beautiful and lavish rejection letter I have ever received is shown below.

Best Job In The World Reject Letter!

Best Job In The World Application - Hamilton Island, Tourism Queensland.

To give this post some context, the video was a pisstake (an Australian term meaning ‘parody’) of the popular and viral ‘Beached Whale’ cartoon that has been circulating around the internet over the last few months.You can have a look at this clip below, which is way much funnier and sillier than my efforts.

Here is the original ‘Beached Whale’ clip.

You can see more about this clip if you click on this site.

Anyway, my video clocked in at 59.97 seconds, a massive 3 hundredths of a second below the required length of 60 seconds or less.So the timing is not an issue.My Best Job In The World video mentioned some knowledge of the Great Barrier Reef and some other drivel about being the best for the job. So that’s covered (maybe!) as well.But I think the application was probably too silly to start off with. Maybe it’s because I subcontracted out myself to the two cartoon characters that were voiced by me!

As you can tell, the ubiquitous catchphrase ‘Beached As Bro’ was generated from this clip.But there is some irony to this – the Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh – who would be the ultimate boss of Tourism Queensland, has used the term ‘You’re Beached As Bro’ in Queensland parliament whilst heckling members of the opposition.

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Hey, if the term ‘Beached as Bro’ is good enough for Premier Bligh, then it’s good enough for me!

Anyway, if you haven’t fallen asleep yet, check out my very shonky, and rejected ‘Best Job in The World’ Application.It’s titled ‘Bist Job in the World Bro’ (I’ve written the title in a New Zealand accent). As you can tell, I’ve spared no expense when it comes to outstanding special effects.It was filmed at Queensland’s not-quite-so-famous-as-Hamilton-Island Nudgee Beach, just north of Brisbane City.

You’ll hear a truckload of Kiwi Slang and Australian Slang!

It’s obvious I’m taking this way too seriously ;)Please enjoy/cringe!  If I find some spare motivation around, I might try and submit another video and try my luck there.  I mean, who wouldn’t have a crack at the Best Job in The World?

It would beat this – The Worst Jobs in History!

Best Job In The World – Silly Video!

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

14 thoughts on “‘Best Job In the World’ Competition From Tourism Queensland. My Shonky Entry REJECTED!”

  1. Avatar Of Anthony

    Hi Craig. Thanks for your comments. I’ve been to New Zealand recently and had a good time, with more stuff about it appearing at There’s so many similarities between Aussies and Kiwis and that’s why we like to take the piss out of each other – it’s all good banter!

  2. Avatar Of Gabybali

    Hi Anthony,thanks for following me on Twitter that brought me to this ‘gila’ travel blog. I see that you’ve visited my Bali Island too!
    I also dreamed about getting this Best Job In the World, but don’t think qualified enough, as all I love is taking a ‘nana nap’ in the afternoon, on the beach and get lazy. I don’t dive,nor surf nor snorkeling..

    Nice crazy post!

    gabybali’s last blog post..REASONS WHY I DISLIKE DREAMLAND BEACH IN BALI

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      Hi GabyBali, I was in Bali last year for the Pesta Blogger 2008 tour, and loved it. Trying to make my way back this year! More info is here:

      1. Avatar Of Kirstin

        Ya we love you to came to Bali. We are very pleasure to welcoming you in Bali Anthony 🙂
        .-= Kirstin´s last blog ..Villa Senang / 3 Bedroom Deluxe =-.

  3. Avatar Of Retty

    …Ironically, his application for the best job in the world was rejected as not meeting the criteria. Perhaps it is not a coincidence, but it is his destiny to come back to Indonesia…[]

  4. Avatar Of Style Gal

    My kid liked your video, too bad he’s not one of the judges. I hope you’ll find another opportunity for you to score another travel deal. Maybe they’re looking for something else, but think they can use that video to make the beach seem more child-friendly.

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