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Best Hardware Store Sign Ever- ‘People Always Complain’..

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Today I’ve got a funny travel photo from Sarah Carroll who runs The Ethical Volunteer. It’s about the Best Hardware Store In The World – and it’s located in Malawi, in Southern Africa. You can follow Sarah on Twitter @EthicalVol and on Facebook. You can also check out their Indiegogo site which is aiming to raise some funds for their new project that aims to have volunteering projects actually benefit local communities instead of being funnelled offshore by big business.

From their website: ‘The Ethical Volunteer is an online video travel guide that improves the way international volunteering is carried out. We travel the world to visit projects that are run by the community, for the community. We stay at local hostels and lodges, eat local food, take local transport and we film every step of the way. Through our insightful films we highlight everything you need to know to organise your placement independently of profit focused volunteer agencies and through our website we give you the tools you need to make that happen. And what’s more, at The Ethical Volunteer, we show you how to do it right; how to do it ethically.’

Anyway, I’ll have an interview with Sarah about the tricks and traps of volunteering later on. But for now.. she has sent me this great silly travel photo which made me laugh out loud.

Sarah says ‘here’s a photo for you of a shop front in Malawi… customer service is not their strong point….’

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The Best Hardware Store in the World… Gold!

Best Hardware Store - People Always Complain In Malawi

Looks like the People Always Complain shop also specialise in real estate judging by the sign! They just don’t have the best hardware store name I have ever seen in my life! Just in case you need a screw….

Sarah says ‘this is a shop on the roadside that we came across when driving from Liwonde to Nanchengwa (on the southern shores of Lake Malawi). They are right you know, people DO always complain. The shop next door was called “Don’t even bother, just go away’.

I love this kind of stuff – the funny travel signs that don’t quite get across the meaning that was intended in the first place. Like other posts about Funny Travel Photos in Africa, the Best Doctor,  and Penis Enlargement Cream, Africa seems to deliver some funny travel sign gold everywhere you look!

Sarah posted this picture on her Facebook page and she received some pretty funny comments such as:

  • At least he’s not outspoken enough to write ‘we sell bolts to nuts’
  • And they sell estate agents too. Who on earth would want to buy one of them???

Oh well.

I’ve seen some other great signs in Malawi, such as Be Nice to Health Workers and Stopping Corruption.

Looks like I need to make another trip there to photograph more!

Also check out the Okay Store.

More stuff about Malawi

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5 thoughts on “Best Hardware Store Sign Ever- ‘People Always Complain’..”

  1. Avatar Of Ocdemon

    Either the best hardware store in the world did a a horrible job securing their front door, or they reeeeallly trust their neighbors.

  2. Avatar Of Kevin

    I’ve never heard of a storefront using sarcasm to attract customers. And the shop next door uses the same technique? That’s either marketing genius or the stupidest idea ever. Only in Africa, I guess. Oh and happy 40th birthday Anthony!

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