Here’s a bit of a photo essay if you’re bored off you’re tree somewhere and you feel like some mindless photo flicking! It’s about one of the Best Airports In The World.
I’m not talking about airports like Changi Airport in Singapore and Dubai which have great facilities. I’m talking about an airport with the approach path is quite spectacular and photos of aircraft landing here have gone viral. Almost as much as the TV series, Worst Place To Be A Pilot!
I’m talking about Princess Juliana International Airport at St Maarten (otherwise known as Sint Maarten) in the Caribbean!
Some of the scenic shots look alright in the this small Dutch outpost.

But based on what you’re about to see, I think the main tourist attraction here is the airport itself!
Princess Juliana International Airport – Photo Essay
I’m guessing if you were a pilot, you’d need to undertake specific training to land here! I wouldn’t want to be a passenger during a pilot’s first time landing here! But way more fun than trying to fly a Russian plane!
And judging by some of the warning signs, it looks like people have been hurt trying to get a little bit too close to the action!

Let’s check out some of the great pics that have been splashed all over the interweb!
Anyway, the approach to the airport looks pretty. Note the beach in the foreground were tourists like to sunbathe and plane spot at the same time!

First of all, the final approach of the aircraft looks quite scenic. You’d get a nice little view if you were having a dip in the ocean.

Getting closer…


and closer…

And time to land!

What a great place to bring your private jet! If you can afford it, why not.

It also looks like a great place for dangerous selfies!

and score some industrial deafness!

You’ll be saying ‘what’ to everyone for the rest of your life!

What’s great is that there is an arrivals timeline hand written on a surfboard nearby so you can time those selfies based on your favourite airline or model of plane!

More about the Best Airports In The World
Check out the Duty Free Airport Shop, Dublin Airport Doodles, Worst Place To Be A Pilot and Funny Airport People.
All photos sourced from iStock.